If you love pancakes, you’ve probably had today marked on your calendar for some time: It’s National Pancake Day, which can mean only one thing: IHOP is giving away free flapjacks. [More]
national pancake day

Here’s Where To Get Your National Pancake Day Deals & Freebies
Congratulations, flapjack lovers, today is your day: it’s National Pancake Day, which means restaurants are offering up discounted or free food. But even if flat breakfast fare isn’t your thing, there are plenty of other spots handing out deals and freebies today. [More]

IHOP Giving Away Free Pancakes Tomorrow For Charity
It’s that time of year again — the day IHOP shovels stacks of free pancakes onto plates across America, all in the name of charity. That day will be tomorrow morning, March 3, so mark your calendars and tell yourself not to forget. [More]

Today’s The Day You Can Get Free Pancakes At IHOP
It’s that time of year again: The day designated by IHOP as National Pancake Day. All you really need to know that it means you can get free pancakes today, for a good cause. [More]

IHOP Doing The Free Pancake Thing Again Today
Between Groundhog Day and the Super Bowl, you’re probably all celebrated out right now. But don’t forget that it’s National Pancake Day today, which means you have a right to some free food at IHOP. [More]
Free Pancakes Tomorrow At IHOP
We know that many of you will be observing National Pancake Day tomorrow by spending time with your family and other loved ones, visiting your local pancake memorial/monument and generally pondering what Pancake Day means to you. But if you also want to eat pancakes, IHOP is once again rolling out the free short stacks. [More]

Score Some Free Pancakes At IHOP Tomorrow
Do you like pancakes? More than likely. Do you like free stuff? Of course you do. [More]

National Pancake Day! Free Pancakes Today Only At IHOP
Hey there hungry, broke people: A free short stack of pancakes can be yours today from 7am to 10pm at IHOP.