Want your credit line increased, APR lowered, or your declined credit card application approved? Begging and pleading with customer service not getting you anywhere except front row seats to your personal puddle of shame? Then give some of the “backdoor numbers” a shot. [More]
national city
Do you bank with National City? Well, it’s time you were introduced to PNC. Based in Pittsburgh, PNC is buying Cleveland-based National City for $5.2 billion. PNC is also taking $7.7 billion from the Treasury’s capital-infusion program. [NYT]

Amex Tops JD Power Credit Card 2008 Customer Satisfaction Survey
JD Power and Associates ranked American Express at the top of their 2008 Credit Card Satisfaction Study. Customers gave the company high marks in interaction, billing and payment processes, reward programs, fees and rates, and benefits and services, with the first three factors standing out in particular. Capital One and HSBC, which target revolvers with lower credit scores, received the worst marks. Oddly, Discover got second place. People must really like their two-cycle billing (see “Two-Cycle Billing And Why It’s Evil“). Full rankings inside…

Reach National City Executive Customer Service
216-222-2000 to speak to secretary of Daniel Frate (EVP of Retail Services)

Top 5 Online Banks For Customer Satisfaction
You can’t please all of the people all of the time, but you can try. Here’s a list of the online banks that are trying the hardest.