Lyft already ditched its signature giant fuzzy pink mustaches for the front grills of working vehicles for its classier premium ride service, but regular drivers were still putting fuzzy pink mustaches on the front grills of their cars. Yet Lyft has been dialing back the size of the distinctive decoration, making them smaller. Now, they’re switching to a smaller, but still pink, “glowstache.” [More]

America's Top 10 Most Mustache-Friendly Cities
The American Mustache Institute, a real organization, has published the results of a two-year study based on empirical research into which cities are the most appealing to those who choose to sport facial hair in the region between their nose and lip. Yes, it’s time for America’s top 10 most “mustache-friendly” cities, 2011. [More]

Hot Topic Steals Yet Another Design And Sells It As Its Own
Once again, Hot Topic is selling someone else’s art as original work. The mallternative retail chain purchased the supposedly original design from Newbreed Girl, which has its own history of ripping off designs.