Did you somehow become comfortably lulled into thinking 2016 had already crested Peak Weird? If so, you clearly got there a little too early. Today’s case in point: The ousted CEO that America loves to hate, Martin Shkreli, is back in the news this month… as the villain of an off-Broadway musical. [More]

New Subscription Service Offers Live-Streaming Broadway Shows
If you can’t make it in person to see the neon lights of Broadway, there’s now another option for fans of the theater: a new subscription service is offering up on-demand, live-streaming theatrical productions. I know what you’re thinking — how will I be able to aggressively shush the annoying people talking throughout? [More]

Musical ‘Mamma Mia!’ Is Going To Be A Restaurant Because Even Former ABBA Members Need Hobbies
It could get kinda boring, retiring from your day job and trying to figure out how to fill the minutes, hours and days that stretch emptily before you. Especially after touring the globe as part of a Swedish supergroup and performing for hordes of rabid fans. Perhaps that’s why one former ABBA member has decided to open up a restaurant based on the band’s song and the musical it gave birth to, Mamma Mia!. Because hey, ABBA fans really like ABBA, so why not? [More]

A Reminder: Clicking The First Link You See In Google Isn’t Always Such A Great Idea
Theatregoers, beware. Well, actually, people who are out to buy much of anything, beware. Just typing what you’re looking for into Google and clicking on the first link you see can lead to a world of trouble. Or at least a world of overpayment. That’s what Doug learned when he went to surprise his wife with tickets to the musical version of her favorite movie. He clicked on one of the top links, which he didn’t realize were sponsored ones. [More]

High School Drama Class Produces Entire Musical About Wegmans
Northeastern grocery chain Wegmans inspires the same kind of fanatical devotion in consumers as iPhone releases or “Twilight” movie premieres. So when a Wegmans store opened in Northboro, Mass., people camped out overnight awaiting their opportunity to storm the bulk candy aisle and buy $6 prepared meals, or something. Students in a local high school’s advanced drama class tapped into the zeitgeist, and have created an entire musical about the chain. It may be the world’s longest grocery store commercial. [More]

American Psycho: The Musical, Coming To Broadway!
American Psycho, the dark murder-satire flick starring Christian Bale where he assumes the identity of a rival Wall Street banker and commits a series of decadent killings, is coming to Broadway! [More]