murders and executions

Fed Approves Sale Of ING Direct To Capital One

In spite of reported concerns that Capital One’s proposed purchase of ING Direct would create yet another bank that was too big too fail, the Federal Reserve announced yesterday that it has signed off on the $9 billion deal. [More]

U.S. Airways Confirms It's Out To Woo American Airlines

U.S. Airways Confirms It's Out To Woo American Airlines

Late last week, it was revealed that U.S. Airways was checking out American Airlines’ OKcupid profile in the hope the two could go on a nice coffee date and maybe get married and have a bunch of kids and a huge house in the suburbs. At the time U.S. Airways, who got burned a couple years back after getting hot-and-heavy with United, played coy about its intentions. But today the carrier is being more open about its amorous intentions. [More]

Report: U.S. Airways Once Again Considering A Merger Marriage, This Time With American

Report: U.S. Airways Once Again Considering A Merger Marriage, This Time With American

It hasn’t even been two years since U.S. Airways called off its pre-nuptial pillow talk with United Airlines, opting instead to remain single. And while it hasn’t rebounded as quickly as its spurned beau, who ran off with that Continental cad only a few shot months later, a new report says that U.S. Airlines is considering the possibility of a happily ever after ending with American Airlines. [More]

AT&T Cries "Uncle," Pulls Plug On Plan To Buy T-Mobile

AT&T Cries "Uncle," Pulls Plug On Plan To Buy T-Mobile

Faced with regulatory hurdles too tall for it to leap, AT&T has announced that it has pulled the plug on its proposed plan to purchase T-Mobile USA from Deutsche Telekom for $39 billion. [More]

AT&T Mulling Over Revisions To T-Mobile Deal To Appease Regulators

AT&T Mulling Over Revisions To T-Mobile Deal To Appease Regulators

We’re guessing that when AT&T announced it was going to buy T-Mobile USA for $39 billion that it didn’t expect the deal would receive such jeers from the regulators at the Justice Dept. or the FCC. But with the former ready to go to trial to block the merger and the latter saying it will hold its own hearing if the DOJ fails, AT&T now appears to be looking at the Darth in the mirror. [More]

AT&T Pulls FCC Application For T-Mobile Merger

AT&T Pulls FCC Application For T-Mobile Merger

Two days after the FCC announced it intends to hold a rare administrative hearing on AT&T’s proposed purchase of T-Mobile USA, the folks at the Death Star have decided to pull their merger application to the regulator, at least until the end of its legal battle with the Dept. of Justice. [More]

FCC To Add Yet Another Speed Bump To AT&T/T-Mobile Deal

FCC To Add Yet Another Speed Bump To AT&T/T-Mobile Deal

While we all wait for the legal fireworks that are sure to come from the Justice Department’s lawsuit to stop the AT&T purchase of T-Mobile, the folks at the Federal Communications Commission are reportedly looking to hold an administrative hearing on the deal, which could make things even more difficult for the merger. [More]

Shazam! Esurance Now Owned By Allstate

Shazam! Esurance Now Owned By Allstate

Esurance, the insurance company known for its online quotes and annoying commercials, is now officially part of Allstate, after the larger company announced that it has completed the $1 billion acquisition. [More]

Little Banks To Big Banks: Can You Please Stop Merging For A Little Bit?

Little Banks To Big Banks: Can You Please Stop Merging For A Little Bit?

With folks at the Federal Reserve already reportedly concerned that the sale of ING Direct to Capital One could create another too-big-to-fail bank, a group representing the nation’s smaller banks has raised its voice in concern. [More]

Seven States Join DOJ Lawsuit To Block AT&T/T-Mobile Deal

Seven States Join DOJ Lawsuit To Block AT&T/T-Mobile Deal

So it’s not just Sprint and the Justice Dept. that think the sale of T-Mobile USA to AT&T is a bad idea and should be stopped. Today, attorneys general for seven different states joined the DOJ’s suit to block the deal. [More]

Report: Fed Concerned Capital One/ING Direct Merger Could Create Another Too-Big-To-Fail Bank

Report: Fed Concerned Capital One/ING Direct Merger Could Create Another Too-Big-To-Fail Bank

Back in July, Capital One announced a deal to purchase online bank ING Direct USA for around $9 billion. And even though Cap One tried hard to quell ING customers’ screams of “nooooooo,” the folks at the Federal Reserve are reportedly a bit worried that the deal might create another bank so big that its failure would have a disastrous impact on the economy. [More]

What Will Become Of T-Mobile If AT&T Deal Falls Through?

What Will Become Of T-Mobile If AT&T Deal Falls Through?

With the Justice Department suing to block AT&T’s $39 billion purchase of T-Mobile USA, some have begun wondering what would happen to the country’s fourth-largest wireless provider should the deal fall through. That includes T-Mobile’s parent company, Deutsche Telekom, which is reportedly looking at options for its American business. [More]

Judge Tells AT&T And DOJ To Be Prepared To Discuss Settlement On T-Mobile Deal

Judge Tells AT&T And DOJ To Be Prepared To Discuss Settlement On T-Mobile Deal

The judge in the Justice Dept. lawsuit to block AT&T’s purchase of T-Mobile USA has not only set a date for the first hearing in the case, she’s also advised both sides to start thinking about settlement terms. [More]

Sprint Sues To Block AT&T From Buying T-Mobile

Sprint Sues To Block AT&T From Buying T-Mobile

Less than one week after the Justice Dept. filed a lawsuit to block AT&T’s pending $39 billion purchase of T-Mobile USA, Sprint has filed a lawsuit of its own (but related to the DOJ suit), seeking to have the deal called off. [More]

AT&T "Surprised And Disappointed" By DOJ Effort To Block
T-Mobile Purchase

AT&T "Surprised And Disappointed" By DOJ Effort To Block T-Mobile Purchase

Hey AT&T, the federal government has put up a huge roadblock to your $39 billion purchase of T-Mobile USA. What are you going to do now? [More]

Dept. Of Justice Moves To Block AT&T Purchase Of

Dept. Of Justice Moves To Block AT&T Purchase Of T-Mobile

Though it’s been said since the beginning that AT&T’s proposed $39 billion purchase of T-Mobile USA would be an uphill climb, most people seemed to think it would ultimately still go through. But earlier today, lawyers for the federal government filed a lawsuit in federal court to block the merger, saying it would violate antitrust law and “substantially lessen competition.” [More]

Google Adds To Tablet & Smartphone Business With
Purchase Of Motorola Mobility

Google Adds To Tablet & Smartphone Business With Purchase Of Motorola Mobility

Software giant Google announced this morning its intention to buy Motorola Mobility Holdings, the smartphone and tablet arm of Motorola, for $12.5 billion, or $40 per share–a 63-percent premium over Friday’s closing price for Motorola stock. [More]

Time Warner Cable Expands With Purchase Of Insight Communications

Time Warner Cable Expands With Purchase Of Insight Communications

Time Warner Cable, the nation’s second largest cable operator, will soon get a little bit larger, announcing today that it has acquired Midwestern television operator Insight Communications for $3 billion. [More]