All those shattered TVs and cut-up hands that resulted when the Nintendo Wii first came on the scene sorta made sense. People were flailing their limbs around holding a plastic controller with a flimsy strap. But the new Kinect motion-sensing system for the Xbox 360 should have cut down on at least some of the damage done by removing the controller completely. And yet, some moron in Arizona has already ruined a perfectly good TV with his recklessness. [More]

Another Angry McDonald's Customer Calls 911; Angry Employee Also Calls 911
A 20-year-old in Aloha, Oregon, called 911 on Memorial Day to complain that he wasn’t given the orange juice he ordered. While he was on the phone describing this emergency, a McDonald’s employee also called 911 to complain that the 20-year-old was blocking the drive-thru. And somewhere in the city, a kitten died in a tree fire because the emergency lines were all tied up. UPDATE: We’ve located the audio of both calls.

Catch Ben & Meghann On Nightline Tonight Re: Domino's Videos
Meg and I are slated to be on ABC’s Nightline tonight, talking about those skanky Domino’s videos. I’m getting really good at typing “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” for the B-roll.

Domino's Rogue Employees Do Disgusting Things To The Food, Put It On YouTube
Here are three clips of Kristy and Michael, a couple of not-that-bright idiots getting themselves fired, and quite possible sued, by doing unsanitary things to customers’ orders on camera while their manager sits in the back reading the newspaper. “Whiteair2” posted them to YouTube in the last day, and now everyone knows that Michael likes to put cheese and peppers up his nose. [More]