Subscriptions and recurring payments are the hot thing these days. From political donations to arts patronage, from subscription boxes to student loans, everyone wants a scheduled monthly slice of your money. And that’s all well and good, as long as you actually want what they’re selling. But what happens if you change your mind? [More]
monthly subscriptions

Blockbuster Wants To Lure You Back With Unlimited In-Store Rental Plan
Hoping to scoop up some customers who have fled Netflix and Redbox due to recent price increases, Blockbuster has launched a monthly subscription plan that provides unlimited, one-at-a-time rentals of games and movies, plus an additional film by mail each month. The challenge is to find a Blockbuster that’s still open. [More]

Sony Is Making An Xbox Live-Like Cash Cow Of Its Own
Citing a swirl of whispers around the video game media world, 1Up reports Sony is set to announce PSN+, which will shake down gamers for $5 to $10 a month for perks such as cross-game voice chat, free play of the first hour of downloadable games and access to a rotating list of downloadable games. Online play should remain free for non PSN+ members, unlike Xbox Live. [More]