
Maybe You Should Just Go Back To Ignoring Me, HyperFriendly Chase Tellers

Maybe You Should Just Go Back To Ignoring Me, HyperFriendly Chase Tellers

[I] had to go down an escalator and there were like 4-5 suited people at the bottom staring and smiling at me. My instinct was to run back up the escalator, it was really intimidating. Then I told like 5 separate people who were circling me like sharks that I was fine and preferred the teller. And then one guy went so far as to grab my withdrawal slip out of my hand!! He saw it and was like, ‘Oh, you don’t know your account number? I can help you with that from over here…’ It was unreal.

BoA Hikes Rates On Millions Of Credit Card Customers

BoA Hikes Rates On Millions Of Credit Card Customers

Last week Bank of America decided to hike rates on millions of credit card customers. They said that if you carry a balance and have an interest rate below 10%, starting in June you’re likely to see it spike into the double-digit category. BoA said it had to do it because these customers were “underpriced relative to market conditions.” But according to at least one email, Bank of America might be underrepresenting the number of customers caught in its interest rate dragnet…

NY Post Picks Up Consumerist Reader's ATM Skimming Story

NY Post Picks Up Consumerist Reader's ATM Skimming Story

Check it out, we’re in the New York Post today. They picked up our reader Dan’s story about finding an ATM skimmer at a Chase/WaMu, along with the skimmer spotted by Gizmodo reader Sean after they ran Dan’s story. Neat!

5 Tips For Getting Unstuck From A Miserable Job

5 Tips For Getting Unstuck From A Miserable Job

There are two common feelings that many of us have regarding our work lives: happiness that it’s Friday (TGIF!) and dread that it’s Monday. In other words, we’re less than thrilled with the satisfaction we get from our jobs. Trent at The Simple Dollar brings up this age-old issue and suggests five steps for making the move to a career/job you might actually enjoy (though you’ll likely earn less doing it) as follows:

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

FREE MONEY FINANCE (Photo: frankieleon)

Haggle With Hospitals

Medical bill too high? Have you tried haggling? NYT writes:

Rogue's Gallery Of ATM Skimmers

Rogue's Gallery Of ATM Skimmers

Since you guys liked yesterday’s post where a reader found an ATM skimming device so much, Network World has got a bit of “Rogue’s Gallery” of the credit card-number stealing machines so you’ll better know what to look for out in the wild. For instance, this photo shows how thieves will mount a camera on the ATM so they can record you typing in your PIN. It’s placed over the statement dispenser using plastic that matches perfectly with the “host” ATM. Sneaky.

Use The Debt "Snowflake" Method To Pay Off Debts

Use The Debt "Snowflake" Method To Pay Off Debts

You’ve probably heard of the debt snowball method used to pay off debts, well here’s the “debt snowflake method.” Basically what this guy does is apply every extra bit of money he gets, finds, or earns to paying off this debt. Money from yard sales and eBay, change under the couch, and any leftover funds at the end of the month not earmarked for future expenses, he keeps throwing each of these at paying down his debt. Every little bit helps!

5/3 Increases Overdraft Fees By $2

5/3 Increases Overdraft Fees By $2

It was a beautiful thing. And then I paid in cash. Scan of the 5/3 fee increase notice inside.

Chase and Citi Shut Door On Mortgage Brokers

Chase and Citi Shut Door On Mortgage Brokers

You’re cut off! JPMorgan Chase and Citi announced they’ll no longer accept mortgages submitted by mortgage brokers. The move seems to be a way for the banks to exercise more control over the loans they undertake. At first blush, this sounds like a good thing, for banks to be looking their borrowers in the eye, a throwback to the days when credit was earned instead of splooged out like candy in a parade (days epitomized in this 1950’s short, “The Wise Use of Credit,” posted inside…) On the other hand, it could be more just a way to snag market share and shut out the competition, which can lead to higher interest rates, borrowing costs, fees, and lower service.

Reader Finds Card Skimmer On Bank ATM

Reader Finds Card Skimmer On Bank ATM

Dan says over the weekend he discovered a card skimmer attached to the ATM at his local WaMu branch. He pulled it off and took photos of it.

House Preparing To Legalize Payday Loans With 391% APRs

House Preparing To Legalize Payday Loans With 391% APRs

A House subcommittee wants to legalize payday loans with interest rates of up to 391%. Lobbyists from the payday industry bought Congress’ support by showering influential members, including Chairman Luiz Gutierrez, with campaign cash. The Congressman is now playing good cop, bad cop with the payday industry, which is pretending to oppose his generous gift of a bill.

3 Last-Minute Tax Tips

3 Last-Minute Tax Tips

We’re less than two weeks away from April 15, and while many are basking in the glow of a nice tax refund (though we shouldn’t be letting the government use our money for free, but that’s a different post), others are just starting their tax return preparation for this year. As such, it seemed appropriate to give them some last-minute advice courtesy of three pieces from Yahoo:

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

FREE MONEY FINANCE (Photo: Great Beyond)


The website has launched a new blog named “Go Frugal,” aimed at helping consumers find ways to save money. [Go Frugal]

Threat Of Small Claims Court Gets Wells Fargo Overdrafts Refunded

Threat Of Small Claims Court Gets Wells Fargo Overdrafts Refunded

After he got some overdraft fees that he felt were unfair, Karney Hatch decided to put the banking system on trial, and make a documentary about it.

Is It Ok To Give Cash To Needy Friends?

Is It Ok To Give Cash To Needy Friends?

Yes, it’s ok to lend cash to needy friends, but only if you have a clear understanding of your gift and its effects. Money undeniably alters relationships, and giving can greatly complicate, if not entirely undermine, a valued friendship. Yet, money is also one of the most direct ways to provide help. The Times provided several questions to consider before making a gift…

Google Checkout Just As Bad As PayPal

Google Checkout Just As Bad As PayPal

Web brokers Google and PayPal don’t believe in human-to-human communication, and one place where you really need that is when you’re troubleshooting financial transactions. An interface designer/developer who used Google Checkout to sell an ebook has just been given a huge serving of suck by the “don’t be evil” company—they closed her account on her without warning and refuse to tell her why the closed it. The $200 in earnings that hadn’t been paid out yet are unretrievable, and she can’t open a new one.