
What Are You Going To Do With Your Tax Refund?

What Are You Going To Do With Your Tax Refund?

What are you going to do with the money once you get your tax refund check? Take our poll and let us know! [More]

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Questions to Ask After ‘I Will’ but Before ‘I Do’ [Wall Street Journal] “Some time between ‘Yes, I will marry you,’ and ‘I do,’ you and your partner need to have The Money Talk — the key questions all couples should ask of one another.”

Money matters in a marriage [The Washington Post] “Having a sound financial marriage is as romantic as roses and chocolate.”

5 things that kill home insurance [MSN Money] “Here are conditions that could make it hard to buy coverage for your home.”

How to Get the Best Rates on Your Savings — Safely [Get Rich Slowly] “With high-yield savings rates getting lower and lower and the stock market not doing so well either, what would you recommend?”

The New Credit-Card Rules: What to Expect [Smart Money] “[Here] are the key changes that the new law puts forth, along with some notable exceptions that could still allow consumers to get in trouble with their credit cards.”


How Do I Build Credit When No One Will Give Me A Credit Card?

How Do I Build Credit When No One Will Give Me A Credit Card?

Clarice is financially recovering from a divorce. Her husband handled all the finances, and it turns out that he had a card in her name but never paid off a $300 outstanding balance on it. Besides this card, she’s never had a credit card. Now she wants one and no one will give it to her, because of the outstanding derogatory item and lack of credit history. She’s tried applying for credit cards online, with her bank and with stores. She could get a co-sign from her father but “doesn’t want to wrap him up in all of this.” What can Clarice do? Well, the last thing she can try is to apply for a secured credit card. [More]

CARD Act: Who's With It, Who's Not

CARD Act: Who's With It, Who's Not

The CARD act is supposed to go into effect next week, Feb 22. As we get close to the deadline, is your credit card complying with the rules? Courtesy of BillShrink, this giant infographic is here to tell you the answers. Teaser: absolutely zero issuers are doing fair allocation of payments. [More]

Wall St. Helped Hide Greece's Debt, Now It's Kablooie!

Wall St. Helped Hide Greece's Debt, Now It's Kablooie!

Looks like Goldman turned the Parthenon into a gunpowder magazine for a second time; Greece’s recently revealed debt crisis is rattling the world economy and familiar culprits are at play: Wall Street banks, off-the books loans, derivatives, and other occult financial instruments. I guess we blame the consumer on this one too? [More]

24 Ways To Make Some Extra Money

24 Ways To Make Some Extra Money

If you’re between jobs, underemployed, or just have a lot of extra time on your hands now that you’ve give up expensive hobbies like smoking or shopping, here’s a list of 24 ways you can you earn some extra money. They’re not full time jobs, or sometimes even part-time jobs, but they’re a good starting point if you need some inspiration on how to bring in a little extra cash. [More]

Break Up With Your Bad Big Bank This Valentine's Day

Break Up With Your Bad Big Bank This Valentine's Day

You know what, it’s just not working out. I’m sorry, giant bank, but it’s time for both of us to move on. This Valentine’s Day, it’s time break up with your big bank, and this website will help snip the ties that bind. [More]

How To Deal With A Bad New Boss

How To Deal With A Bad New Boss

BN’s mom was doing great at work until a reorg gave her a new boss between her and her old boss. While she did stellar under the old arrangement, the new boss is constantly rude and belittling via email, and the old boss has backed up the new boss to choose whatever management style they like, even after a failed HR mediation. What should BN’s mom do? Her story, inside: [More]

Is That Credit Score FICO Or FAKEO?

Is That Credit Score FICO Or FAKEO?

Donny just bought a bunch of credit scores. But they’re all from different companies and none of them are the same. What gives? [More]

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Index Funds, Dowdy to Some, Get a Notable Endorsement [NY Times] “The wealthiest would have fine returns without the volatility and high fees if they simply used indexes to diversify their money across asset classes.”

It’s property tax assessment time. Here’s what homeowners need to know. [The Washington Post] “Even if a homeowner’s property tax assessment declines, the tax bill may not.”

Questions to Ask Before Buying Disability Insurance [Bucks Blog] “Starting the list with a few dozen questions [you should answer before buying disability insurance.”

What’s the best use of the energy tax credit? [Smart Spending] “For most homeowners, insulation gives you the best bang for your buck, but you might want to start with an energy audit.”

Which Tax Form to Use [Kiplinger] “Use the simplest form to meet your needs and avoid errors.”


Why People Stop Using Credit Cards

Why People Stop Using Credit Cards

In yesterday’s Money section, USA Today talked to some consumers who refuse to carry credit cards, and looked at the hidden costs. One 24-year-old says they make her uncomfortable; a guy working at a gas station to pay for college says he doesn’t want to get accosted by endless junk mailings once his name enters the pool of potential customers. Then there’s the bankruptcy lawyer who canceled his cards on principle 8 years ago, after seeing how lenders behaved when their customers suffered financial setbacks: [More]

Bank of America Screws Even Ex-Employees Of 21 Years On Mortgages

Bank of America Screws Even Ex-Employees Of 21 Years On Mortgages

How many different ways can you screw a man? Vince couldn’t make his Bank of America mortgage, because they fired him after 21 years of service in the due diligence department. Even after he did a short sale 5 months ago, Bank of America still hasn’t cleared it off their books. Now the illegal debt collection calls start. Is new CEO Brian Moynihan powerless to stop his own company from shaking down its own employees? Let’s find out! [More]

Bundle Lets You Spy On What Your Neighbors Buy

Bundle Lets You Spy On What Your Neighbors Buy

Why should banks have all the fun monitoring consumers’ purchases? Bundle is a nifty service that lets you drill down and see what people are buying in your hood. [More]

Will A Human At BofA Finally Please Modify My $160,000 Underwater Mortgage

Will A Human At BofA Finally Please Modify My $160,000 Underwater Mortgage

Jim and Susan’s mortgage is underwater by $160,000. They want to live up to their obligations, they want to keep their home, but they can’t do it with a $370,000 mortgage on a house that’s only worth $210,000. An attorney told them to send some “jingle mail,” just pop the house keys in an envelope, mail it to the bank, and move away. What they really want is a modification so they can stay in their house, but Bank of America has been jerking them around and they don’t have faith that this last hurdle will actually get them a mod. Isn’t there a decision-making human at BofA that can finalize this deal for them? [More]

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

10 Most Overlooked Tax Deductions [WalletPop] “Make sure you don’t miss out on these 10 commonly overlooked tax deductions.”

Smart Strategies to Pick Mutual Funds [Kiplinger] “Using past performance alone often leads to a weak portfolio. Here are better ways to choose winners.”

5 ways to save on your Super Bowl bash [Smart Spending] “No matter who’s on your guest list, you can score a winner on a tight budget.”

Good financial advice on a budget [CNN Money] “[Here] you’ll find some better ways to get the help you need, no matter what your resources.”

6 False Assumptions About Debt-Free Living [Wise Bread] “Here are six false assumptions about debt free living.”


Get $1000 In Ameriquest Mortgage Settlement

Get $1000 In Ameriquest Mortgage Settlement

If your home mortgage was serviced by the defunct Ameriquest or its affiliates, you could stand to receive payouts starting at $1,000. Just enter your loan number on the settlement website and it will tell you if you’re eligible. The $325 million settlement came after a multi-state investigation which found shady lending practices that failing to disclose that loans had adjustable rates, failing to disclose the terms of the loan, refinancing homeowners into inappropriate loans, inflating home appraisals, and charging excessive fees. [] [More]

How The IRS Picks Its Audit Targets

How The IRS Picks Its Audit Targets

The IRS doesn’t just draw potential audit victims out of a hat. There is actually a method to its cruel madness, as outlined in this 2006 post spotted by Jim Wang of Bargaineering. [More]

Man Jailed For Threatening To Rob BofA After They Robbed Him

Man Jailed For Threatening To Rob BofA After They Robbed Him

An unemployed 40-year old mechanic is in the clink after he threatened to rob Bank of America as revenge for an erroneous service fee. He’s in jail on $75,000 bond, which neither he or his 72-year old frequent surgery recipient mother can afford. The man he was arrested after he called a local news channel and told them to show up tomorrow as he was going to rob the bank. It was unclear how he planned on pulling off the heist. Maybe he was going to raise their APR without notice?

Man Infuriated By Overdraft Fee Jailed After Threatening To Rob Bank [Huffington Post]