
Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

5 Reasons To Keep A Work Diary [Open Forum] “The results have been profound for me. I’d recommend this practice to anyone.”

33 Factors for How to Choose a College [Money Crashers] “What metrics should you analyze when trying to find the best college for you?”

5 myths about Social Security [MSN Money] “Everyone knows there are financial difficulties with the Social Security system, but misinformation and falsehoods are obscuring the problem and what needs to be done.”

10 Simple Tips to Lower Your Food Bill When You Cook For Yourself [The Jenny Pincher] “Follow these 10 tips to cook for one and save money in the process.”

Best new tools to plan retirement [CNN Money] “Make sure you know how much money you’ll really need to retire comfortably by using these three tools.”


2 Tips For Better Dumpster Diving

2 Tips For Better Dumpster Diving

To turn a phrase, “walk softly and carry a long stick” is a good maxim for better dumpster diving – what it’s called when you look through other people’s trash and dumpsters for goodies. [More]

BofA Bulldozing Foreclosed Homes

BofA Bulldozing Foreclosed Homes

Now here’s one to reduce the oversupply in the housing market. As the reluctant owners of vast amounts of foreclosed and abandoned houses it can’t sell, Bank of America is going to start bulldozing patches of them. [More]

Get $15, $30, Or $60 In Chase Credit Card "Payment Protection" Class Action

Get $15, $30, Or $60 In Chase Credit Card "Payment Protection" Class Action

You’re eligible to claim cash if you had a Chase credit card and got charged for a payment protection product between Sept 2, 2004 and Nov 11, 2010, thanks to a recent class action settlement. [More]

If The Debt Ceiling Isn't Raised, You'll Pay For It On Your Credit Card

If The Debt Ceiling Isn't Raised, You'll Pay For It On Your Credit Card

The game of political brinkmanship over the debt ceiling isn’t just an abstract battle of wills. If it isn’t raised, you can expect that your credit card interest rate surely will be. [More]

Wells Fargo Denies Mortgage 1 Day Before Closing To 800 Credit Score Buyer With 20% Down

Wells Fargo Denies Mortgage 1 Day Before Closing To 800 Credit Score Buyer With 20% Down

After years of anything goes loans-writing, the pendulum has swung far, far, in the other direction. Patrick tells the story of how his loan with Wells Fargo was denied, 1 day before he was set to close on a new condo. Even though he has an 800 credit score and was putting 20% down, this hiccup was enough to make Wells Fargo back up. And because of it, he and his five-month pregnant wife now have one week to find a new place to live. [More]

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Is ‘Brain Training’ Worth Your Cash? [Smart Money] “Companies are selling seniors on fitness for the mind. But do the exercises have any value?”

The most ridiculous job interview blunders [CNN Money] “Don’t offer to arm-wrestle your job interviewer.”

A Cost Comparison of Home Laundry and Laundromats [The Simple Dollar] “Is it worth investing in a washer & dryer or is it more economical to use a laundromat?”

5 Common Resume Misconceptions [US News] “Here are five common misconceptions about resumes and how you should approach them during your job search.”

How to Think like Warren Buffett [Gen Y Wealth] “Once you learn how to avoid or minimize mistakes, you’re thinking like Warren Buffett.”


How Do You Wrap Your Pennies?

How Do You Wrap Your Pennies?

Now that TD Bank won’t let non-customers use their Penny Arcade for free, I’ve had to go out and buy a whole bunch of coins wraps to take care of my coin jar. The process is oddly fun and meditative, and I got to wondering, how do you wrap your coins? There’s several techniques out there and mine is pretty basic. [More]

Airlines Not Passing On Savings Of Not Having To Pay FAA Taxes

Airlines Not Passing On Savings Of Not Having To Pay FAA Taxes

When Congress failed Friday to extend a bill that would have kept the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) running, they handed airlines a $25 million a day gift. Without the extension, the FAA doesn’t have the authority to collect taxes. But rather than pass on the savings, nearly all airlines actually raised fares to about the same amount as the federal taxes. Most consumers won’t notice because prices are the same, even though it’s effectively a price hike. [More]

Stores Partnering With Banks To Give New Kind Of Debit Rewards

Stores Partnering With Banks To Give New Kind Of Debit Rewards

Most debit rewards programs are gone or largely neutered, a retaliation by the banking industry in response to pending caps on transaction swipe fees. Now merchants are coming to fill the void. Stores are partnering with banks to experiment with “merchant debit rewards” which give shoppers discounts for shopping at their establishments. Here’s how it will work. [More]

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Where is the Best Place to Invest $102,000 — In Stocks, Bonds, or a College Degree? [Brookings] “On average, the benefits of a four-year college degree are equivalent to an investment that returns 15.2 percent per year.”

Best tech deals — plus 4 expert picks [CNN Money] “If you are comfortable with a year-old product, you can get some amazing deals without sacrificing quality.”

How to Prepare for Higher Taxes [Smart Money] “Whatever the pols in Washington decide about the debt ceiling, experts see higher taxes ahead.”

Your Dog’s Diet Could Cost You and Your Dog [Sustainable Personal Finance] “Have you ever taken a close look at what is in your dog’s diet? Well, you should.”

How To Find A Credit Counselor [Investopedia] “If you find yourself in debt and falling behind on important bills, credit counseling can be a financial lifesaver.”


How To Appeal A Health Insurance Denial

How To Appeal A Health Insurance Denial

Getting your health insurance claim denied can feel like insult added to injury, but if you take these steps you can get your claim “rehabbed,” and get your money. [More]

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

10 Cheap Date Ideas She’ll Actually Love [The Art of Manliness] “10 fiscally responsible options for when you’re short on cash but still want to impress her with a terrific date.”

A Guide to Selling Unwanted Items [The Simple Dollar] “How to determine if you should sell stuff on e-bay, craigslist or at a yard sale and how to figure out the value.”

5 Smartphone Apps That Can Earn You Money [Money Talks News] “Here are a few apps that can put a little cash in your pocket.”

Side Hustle Series: I’m a USA Triathlon Official [Budgets Are Sexy] “My boyfriend and I have [made] enough over two triathlon seasons to cover our next overseas vacation!”

Save Money By Roasting Your Own Coffee Beans In A Popcorn Popper [Bible Money Matters] “Roasting your own coffee is a great alternative to paying too much for stale coffee.”


FDIC Scrutinizes Discover's "Payment Protection" Plan

FDIC Scrutinizes Discover's "Payment Protection" Plan

The FDIC is looking into Discover over concerns that they deceptively marketed their “payment protection plan” for their credit card. Under the plan, if you were experiencing hardship you could put payments on hold for up to two years. Sounds great, but buried in the fine print was that you would end up paying a 10.5% monthly fee for the pleasure of doing so. [More]

Chase Pays $228 Million To Settle Bond Rigging Allegations

Chase Pays $228 Million To Settle Bond Rigging Allegations

JP Morgan Chase today agreed to pay $228 million to settle allegations that it had rigged almost 100 municipal bond auctions between 1997 and 2005. WSJ reports one of the big claims in the case was that the bank got the guys handling auctions to give them a “last look” at all of the bids, so that JP Morgan could win all of the auctions. [More]

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

The 25 Documents You Need Before You Die [Wall Street Journal] “Here is a rundown of the most important documents you’ll need to have signed, sealed and delivered.”

10 Costs That Can Ruin Your Retirement Savings [Smart Money] “Unknown fees in your 401(k) plans, IRAs and other retirement accounts can make a world of difference in your overall investment returns.”

What You Should Never Say in a Job Interview [US News] “Here are 10 things you never want to say in an interview.”

7 Reasons To Review Or Revise Your Will [Investopedia] “Read on to find out what life events should prompt you to re-examine your will and the consequences of letting this important document collect dust.”

6 Myths about Renter’s Insurance – and How to Save [MoneyTalksNews] “Who will replace [your belongings] if something happens [to your apartment]? Hint: Not your landlord.”


Whose $100 Million ATM Receipt Is This?

Whose $100 Million ATM Receipt Is This?

Speculation ran rampant this week after Dealbreaker posted an image of an ATM receipt found in the tony Hamptons showing the account holder had a $99,864,731.94 balance as to whose it could be. [More]

Chase Drops Thousands Of Debt Collection Cases Against Borrowers

Chase Drops Thousands Of Debt Collection Cases Against Borrowers

Chase is dropping thousands of pending debt collection cases against defaulted credit card borrowers, WSJ reports. Remember the big deal over robo-signing foreclosure cases a few months ago? The problem of bulk signing sloppy paperwork, and, in some case, filing fraudulent documents, could be even bigger when it comes to credit cards. It looks like JP Morgan Chase is trying to get its house in order before they’re forced to by government and legal forces. [More]