Imagine if this happened: at a British gaming conference, the director of McDonald’s nascent video game division divulges that their first project for the chain was to program a fast food empire simulator to help train management. However, during beta testing of the game, McDonald’s green-friendly game programmers become more and more disturbed as McDonald’s managers time and time again trigger global armageddon within the game. Consequently, McDonald’s Interactive publicly calls its parent corporation a bunch of blood thirsty baby murderers and severs their umbilical cord with their righteously gnashing teeth.
molle industria
Anti-McDonalds Advergame Misses Mark
2.2.06We’re not quite sure what this “anti-advergame” from MolleIndustria is supposed to be teaching us, but here’s what we learned:
- Running a profitable, multinational corporation takes a lot of hard work and skill.
- Hippie, iMac-using, pot-smoking kids don’t respond well to our clown-themed marketing.
- It’s fun to incinerate cows with a flamethrowing robot.
- We could really go for a burger today.