While we wouldn’t put it past some companies to market pre-dirtied baby wipes as some kind of publicity stunt aimed at millennials, that is not what The Honest Company is doing with a recent product recall. Nay, these wipes may come with mold, but not on purpose. [More]

Parents Report Finding “Sophie The Giraffe” Toys Filled With Mold
Except for certain cheeses, you wouldn’t sit around and gnaw on something full of mold, and you wouldn’t want your child to do so, either. That’s why parents were horrified to see photos online of familiar Sophie the Giraffe toys full of mold. Mold! [More]

Mayborn USA Recalling More Than 3M Spill-Proof Cups Because Drinking Mold Is Gross
Before you hand that sippy cup over to your toddler, you might want to take a minute to make sure it’s not one of a few million spill-proof vessels being recalled due to risk of mold. We may not know everything about kids here at Consumerist, but we’re willing to bet swallowing mold wouldn’t be a popular experience. [More]

Woman Claims Her Burger King Sandwich Came With Extra Ingredient: Mold
A North Carolina woman certainly didn’t get a recent Burger King breakfast “her way”: instead of a fresh sausage croissant, she claims she was given a moldy sandwich. [More]

Answer Cycle: Solutions To 4 Common Laundry Problems
Everyone wears clothes and everyone has to clean them somehow, but changes in laundry technology mean that you might encounter problems that your parents never taught you to solve. Don’t worry: the heroic appliance testers and textile experts down the hall from us at Consumer Reports have you covered. [More]

Capri Sun Attempts To Clear Up Mold Doubts With See-Through Bottoms
Here at Consumerist, we’ve been unfortunate enough to see a lot of gross photos of a wide array of moldy terrors in packaged foods. So it must be that the fine folks at Capri Sun have heard our cries of disgust and are now attempting to alleviate the mold terror by switching to juice pouches with clear bottoms. [More]

Why Just Cutting The Mold Off That Leftover Pizza Probably Isn’t A Good Idea
Don’t be ashamed. You’ve done it, I’ve done it, we’ve all done it. That cheese is the only thing in your refrigerator, you’re hungry and too lazy to go scavenging the mean streets for fresh food. But it’s got a wee bit of mold on it — it’s totally fine to cut that mold off and eat the rest, right? Well, maybe not so much. [More]

Travelers: Sorry, The Mold Between Your Window Panes Is Your Problem
A California man noticed weird, fuzzy dirt between the panes his windows. It wasn’t plain old dirt, but mold. Ew, mold! He called his homeowner’s insurance company to report the problem, and learned that not only did they not cover mold removal services, but that he now had twenty days to take care of the problem himself, or get his policy dropped. Oops. [More]

Another Day, Another Slimy Mold Thing Shows Up In A Capri Sun Juice Pouch
While we’ve seen our fair share of juice box mold, Capri Sun juice mold and other yucky things in food products here at Consumerist, that doesn’t mean that it gets any less disgusting each time we see a new one. To wit: A Sacramento woman’s snap of what she thought might be a worm blocking up the straw in a Capri Sun drink. Opposite of delicious, eh? [More]

That’s Not Extra Butter Inside This Microwave Popcorn Bag
Mike is pretty laid-back about the curious substance that he found inside a bag of Pop Secret popcorn. “Things happen. When one makes millions of something, there will be issues with a few,” he observes. That’s true. He’s disappointed, though, because Pop Secret hasn’t kept him updated him on what the heck it was. [More]

Customer Claims To Have Discovered This… Thing… Inside Minute Maid Juice Container
We know that compromised juice containers can turn a pleasant beverage into a mold-apalooza, but we’ve never seen anything like this before. [More]

Don’t Worry, That’s Just Bread Mold On Your Tampon
Normally, Danielle wouldn’t have pulled her Kotex tampon out of the applicator for inspection before using it. I mean, who does that? One happened to fall out of the applicator, though, and that’s when she saw them. The splotches of blackish mold. “Makes you wonder how many times things like this happen to tampons and we don’t have a clue,” she wrote. Um, yes. [More]

It's OK To Salvage Moldy Cheese, Except When It Isn't
Some frugal practices cross the invisible line of self-destruction. Take moldy cheese. Or leave it. Some conventional wisdom dictates you should throw out the entire block if you spot any nastiness, while many foodies will tell you you’re OK if you amputate the moldy part. Either school of thought can be correct, depending on the cheese. [More]

The Recipe For Getting Rid Of Mold After Irene
Once the floodwaters of Irene are gone from your house, they leave behind a nasty parting gift: mold. Stinky, pervasive, sickening mold. Here’s how to get rid of it. [More]

Bank Gives Failed Flipper Foreclosed House For Free
A guy who deserves no breaks at all, a speculator who jumped onto the house-flipping craze just before the music stopped, just got a huge one. Instead of making the final stroke to finish foreclosing on his house, the bank decided to write off the loan and just give it to him for free instead. [More]

Kraft's Amusing Capri Sun Mold FAQ
Last week we told you how Melissa found a giant scary mold in her Capri Sun juice pouch. After she posted pictures on her Facebook, sections of the internet went totally apesh*t. This is probably because the mold looked like a giant horse eyeball and Kraft’s initially slow response only fueled the flames of hysteria. As part of getting up to speed, Kraft even put up a whole FAQ devoted specifically to this one issue. Between its lines, though, you can read their frustration with the blowup. Their answer to the last question “What kind of mold is it?” is both honest and funny: [More]

What's This Giant Mold Monster Melissa Found In A Capri Sun Pouch?
Melissa found a nastiness in her pouch of Capri Sun, a nastiness even nastier than Capri Sun. A giant mold monster that grew inside the pouch after it was punctured slightly, perhaps? UPDATE: Kraft’s Amusing Capri Sun Mold FAQ [More]