The Google/HTC Nexus One has been out for two weeks now, but the poor customer service vortex has sucked in many Consumerist readers, devouring their access to a functional phone, as well as their 14-day grace periods for returns. [More]
mobile phones

Chart Makes Comparing Cell Phone Carriers Slightly Less Confusing
If you’re in the market for a new cell phone and calling plan, the sheer number of options is terrifying. According to, there are (theoretically) 10,000 possible combinations of voice plans, data plans, other add-ons, and … I think I need to lie down. But wait! Here’s a nice, objective cell phone plan comparison chart that can help you make sense of all this madness! [More]

Sprint Imposes $5 Monthly Fee Because You Might Pay Late
If you have a spending limit on your Sprint account because of your credit history, or in order to prevent runaway data bills, as of today you’ll have to pay for that privilege. Sprint has imposed a $4.99 per month surcharge on all mobile phone accounts that have spending limits in place. [More]

Second BlackBerry Data Outage This Week Now Over
Blackberry users on all mobile carriers in North and South America experienced e-mail and Internet outages for about eight hours late on Tuesday. This follows a shorter outage on December 17th that only affected e-mail services. [More]

AT&T: Want To Tell Us We Suck? There's An App For That
AT&T has debuted an iPhone app that will let AT&T/iPhone users submit reports when they experience poor phone service. This will be a popular app. [More]

Block Spam Callers From Your Blackberry With Call Control
You can always just not answer your phone, but if a telemarketer calling you on your Blackberry sends you into a rage, you might want to look at Call Control. The app relies on the telemarketer database at to screen out known spammers. The free version screens out the top 100 telemarketers; an $8 version uses the entire database and includes updates.

Radio Shack Opening Mobile Phone Kiosks In Target Stores
One problem I’ve always had when shopping for jacked-up prices is I can’t find enough crazy to go along with it. Same thing for the crazy: I know where to go to get cart-loads of that, but I can’t find the 2400% markup! What I need, clearly, is for Radio Shack to open up specialty kiosks inside Target stores, so then— oh hey! It’s the Bullseye Mobile Solution!

Will You Try To Drop Your Voice Plan Now That There's VoIP On The iPhone?
Justin says he has done something that many iPhone users have discussed, but haven’t been able to accomplish. He claims that AT&T let him drop the voice plan from his account, and plans to use VoIP in order to make any voice calls he needs. Is this even possible? Is it a good idea?

T-Mobile Sidekick Data Outage: Day Three
We’ve been receiving mail from outraged T-Mobile Sidekick users all weekend, reporting nationwide data outages since Friday. For many users, this includes lack of access to not just e-mail and IM, but also address books unless saved to the SIM.

Live In An AT&T Dead Zone? There's A Fix, But It'll Cost You
It’s no secret that AT&T’s cell network sucks (and, yes, that is the scientific term for the state of the company’s infrastructure). Fortunately, AT&T has come up with a solution to dead zones and overtaxed circuits: The AT&T 3G MicroCell, a router-like device that will let you experience the magic of using your mobile phone in your very own home! Of course, magic doesn’t come free — or cheap. AT&T is testing the MicroCell now, and is charging subscribers $150 for the box, plus $20 a month for the magic of, you know, using your own freaking phone in your own damn home.

T-Mobile Ends Paper Billing Fee …For Now
Here’s their statement, posted to a T-Mobile web forum. The company’s media relations office confirmed that this is the official statement.

T-Mobile To Charge $1.50 For Paper Phone Bills
If you’re a T-Mobile USA customer who likes to kick it old-school with a paper bill, checks, stamps and whatnot, bad news. Starting September 12, you’ll be charged $1.50 per account for the privilege of receiving your bill by mail.
AT&T users in parts of the Northeast and Midwest had a massive mobile data outage (both 3G and EDGE) this morning. Voice reception was not affected. One user reported receiving a $25 credit after calling AT&T to find out what was going on, so it may not hurt to ask. [Business Insider]

Who Killed The Google Voice iPhone Application?
You can download a mobile Google Voice application for Blackberry or Android, but not for the iPhone. Apple rejected Google’s official application, and has been removing other apps using Google Voice functionality from the App Store. Now, why would they do such a thing? You know the answer. AT&T told them to.

The Federal Government Has Had Enough With Cell Phone Exclusivity
Annoyed by cell phone exclusivity deals? The federal government may agree with you. The FCC and Department of Justice are both looking into the issue, concerned about limitations on consumer choice and good old-fashioned competition.

Why Do iPhone Owners Hate AT&T So Much?
It’s become clear since the release of the iPhone 3G S that most iPhone owners hate AT&T. A lot. Why is that, exactly? PC World has the answer.

Alltel Requires Data Plan For Blackberry Owners Who Don't Use Any Data
Dan likes the interface and ease of texting on his Blackberry, but doesn’t need mobile Internet or e-mail. He asked his service provider, Alltel, to switch his service to a Blackberry he already owned, but without a data plan. An employee said that was possible and set it up for him, and Dan texted away happily…until he received his bill, which now contains a hefty data plan charge. Alltel now insists that Dan can’t have a Blackberry on their network without a data plan.

Online IQ Test Is Really A Stupid Mobile Phone Download Scam
An innocent-looking IQ test on Facebook is really a test of your privacy savvy. And ability to read tiny, tiny print.