As happens every January, various pieces of literature, scholarship, film, music, plays, and other copyrighted works of art enter into the public domain, meaning the public has the right to publish, perform, use, and display these works without seeking permission. That is, except in the U.S., where not a single published work will be joining the public domain until 2019. [More]
mickey mouse

Celebrate Public Domain Day… By Realizing That Not A Single Published Work Will Become Public Domain Until 2019

Disneyland Scraps Reported Plan To Limit Roaming Characters
Part of the appeal of taking your kids to Disneyland is the ambiance. You know — the opportunity to watch their eyes light up when they gawk at an underpaid actor dressed up in a demeaning mascot suit amid your day of magical line-waiting. [More]

Flashback to WWII: The Mickey Mouse Gasmask
There’s a metric assload of Disney-branded products, but currently their vast lineup just doesn’t have anything for the child who’d like to avoid death by chemical weapons while still having fun. This wasn’t always the case. Back in the early 1940s, there was an actual Mickey Mouse gas mask.

Fun With Warning Labels: Beware The Mickey Mouse Cancer Lamp
Reader Mike directs our attention to the above lamp. The warning label reads:
The Disneyland Sex Orgy
An age-old question finally gets answered: do the costume-wearing Mickeys, Minnies and Goofies at Disney theme parks let off some steam after work by humping each other in a sexy, furry orgy?

Disneyworld Won’t Let You Get Drunk
For grumpy parents who take Disney’s particular brand of hallucinogenic chipperism as a soul-curdling annoyance, there’s only one way to get through a vacation at Disneyworld: drunk out of your gourd.