
Whole Foods CEO Caught Bashing Wild Oats Stock On Yahoo Forums

Whole Foods CEO Caught Bashing Wild Oats Stock On Yahoo Forums

Back in 2005, when the (currently being opposed by the FTC) Whole Foods/Wild Oats merger was just a glint in the Whole Foods CEO’s eye… John “Anonymous Troll” Mackey was on Yahoo! forums bashing Wild Oats stock.

AT&T Giving Consumers The Runaround Over Secret $10 DSL

AT&T Giving Consumers The Runaround Over Secret $10 DSL

AT&T is required to offer a $10 DSL option to those consumers who are in AT&T’s 22 state coverage area and who have not previously subscribed to AT&T DSL. This requirement is part of concessions made to the FTC so that AT&T could merge with BellSouth and take over Cingular.

AT&T's Secret $10 DSL

AT&T's Secret $10 DSL

As part of a concession made to the FCC in order to get its mitts on BellSouth, AT&T is required to offer basic DSL for $10 a month to its entire 22 state coverage area for a period of 2 years.

LaSalle Bank Deal Could Push Bank of America Over 10% Deposit Cap

LaSalle Bank Deal Could Push Bank of America Over 10% Deposit Cap

There’s a law in this country that prevents any one bank from holding over 10% of the insured deposits. If Bank of America manages to hold on to its deal to buy Chicago’s LaSalle Bank, Bank of America would hold approximately 10.7% of deposits—about 5.1 billion dollars too much.

Verizon Wireless To Buy Alltel?

Verizon Wireless To Buy Alltel?

Rumors are flying that the largest rural cell phone provider, Alltel, is being stalked by Verizon like an alley cat on a delicious plump mouse. Is it true? Maybe, but probably not. Even though both carriers are CDMA (T-mobile and Cingular are GSM, a different technology), it’s likely that the price of Alltel would be too much for Verizon, despite the fact that a merger between the two companies would make Verizon the nation’s largest provider. From ZDNET:

“Verizon has had a significant amount of success growing organically,” [an industry analyst] said. “I just don’t see any reason why they would need to buy Alltel. They can build their own network for a lot less than $30 billion.”

Whole Foods Will Consume Wild Oats

Whole Foods Will Consume Wild Oats

Well, folks it looks like Whole “Paycheck” is about to get a lot bigger. The natural-foods grocer announced that it would be acquiring competitor Wild Oats. The Wild Oats stores will be remodeled and re-branded as Whole Foods. Do these tears come in soy?—MEGHANN MARCO

US Airways CEO Caught Driving Drunk

US Airways CEO Caught Driving Drunk

US Airways CEO Doug “Dear Jerry: I’m Taking Your Airline” Parker was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving charges after being pulled over for driving 65 mph in a 45 mph zone just hours after pulling his company’s hostile bid to acquire Delta Airlines.

US Airways to Delta: "Fine, Keep Your Broke-Ass Airline"

The latest chance at a merger ended yesterday, when US Airways withdrew its $10.2 billion offer for Delta Air Lines, after it failed to win the support of Delta’s creditors, which included the Boeing Company and the federal pension agency.

Delta is determined to go it alone, but analysts are still speculating that eventually Delta will find a partner. Will it be Northwest?

Stephen Colbert Explains the Cingular/AT&T/BellSouth Merger

[via Gizmodo]

Airline Merger-o-Rama

So, is it good for you or not? More inside.

United: We Might Buy Delta, Too. Er, Instead.

United: We Might Buy Delta, Too. Er, Instead.

Reuters is reporting that United Airlines has its formerly-bankrupt eyes on Delta as well:

Unholy Marriage Betwixt AT&T and Bellsouth Nearing FCC Approval

Unholy Marriage Betwixt AT&T and Bellsouth Nearing FCC Approval

FCC Chairman Kevin Martin seems to be close to inking his rubber stamp for a merger between AT&T and Bellsouth, a move that would create the world’s largest telco company.

The News; Enron Curses All Who Penetrate Its Tomb

The News; Enron Curses All Who Penetrate Its Tomb

• Personally, we’re a slut for love. [NYT] “The Taming of the Slur”