By now you hopefully know that more megapixels don’t necessarily make a better camera. For one thing, you can almost double the megapixels of a camera while only gaining about a 40% increase in resolution. For another thing, it takes a lot more than just sheer number of pixels to produce a decent image. Nevertheless, point-and-shoot cameras with ginormous megapixel stats (now topping 12 MP) continue to hit the market. But Ross at Petavoxel says there’s another reason to avoid huge MP point-and-shoot cameras: something called the Airy disk. [More]

The Megapixel Wars Must End
Consumer Reports has the guts to say what nobody else does. Too many innocent kilobytes have been overwritten in vain. Too many other digital camera features not given their chance to shine. It’s time. We all must agree that it’s time for the megapixel wars to end.