media whoring

Consumerist To Be On Nightline

Consumerist To Be On Nightline

Set your DVR’s for ABC’s Nightline, 11:35 pm ET on Friday, July 14th. The Consumerist will appear. Most likely, we’ll be perched on a leather armchair with pipe in jaw and a fake fire blazing in the background. We’ll be opining about consumerism and blogging, AOL call centers, maybe even roll an Oozinator clip. We think the producer said Vicki Mabrey will man the questioning. Vincent Ferrari slated to appear as well.

Vincent Ferrari on TV Again Tonite

Vincent Ferrari on TV Again Tonite

Vincent Ferrari, the AOL canceler and people’s champion, is/was be on TV again tonight. Expect Vinnie on CNN from 7-8pm EST on The Situation Room. Oh, that’s like right now. Anyway, we are supposed to get a clip so look for that tomorrow. Insider Edition will be graced with his presence as well.

Consumerist on G4, Small World Podcast

We did a good a whole bunch of media-whoring this week. In addition to CNBC, we also hit up G4’s Attack of the Show to talk about viral marketing.

Consumerist on CNBC

This is us on CNBC’s Powerlunch this afternoon. The other talking head is Tom Mangan, a VP at Convergys Customer Care Group. He steals our bit at one point. Never trust a man in a moustache.

We May Be on G4’s Attack of The Show Next Week

We May Be on G4’s Attack of The Show Next Week

Now, we don’t want to be purveyors of vapormedia, but we may be on G4’s Attack of the Show next Tuesday, June 20th, broadcasting LIVE at 7pm. Editor of The Consumerist, Ben Popken, is slated to appear as a talking head during “The Loop.” That day’s discussion will be around “viral marketing.” (Make sure you use the index and middle fingers, especially the middle fingers, on both hands when you read that.)