If you’re planning on buying some Hot Wings from KFC in Colorado Springs, Colorado, your cheapest option is to buy them in sets of six no matter how many you want. KFC charges you slightly more per wing as you buy more—”Guess they just hope nobody’s good at quick math,” our reader Jay writes.

Calculate The Surface Area Of Pizza To Locate The Best Deal?
We doubt the part about the waitress being impressed by geometry skills, but the rest of it sounds about right. —MEGHANN MARCO
Dell: Sorry About The Website Glitch
I work for Dell headquarters in Round Rock, TX and would like to provide assistance. Though this circumstance is not very common, this error may have occurred when our weekly promotions are being updated and refreshed to the website. Please be assured, our online marketing team is very engaged when issues like these arise and work fast to fix the error. I appreciate the concern you have noted and will forward this information to our website team as feedback. If you have any other readers who have encountered this error and is it being incorrectly reflected on their order, please contact me directly. Send your order number to customer_advocate [at] dell [dot] com. Thanks and have a great day!

Dell Math: $1710 – $386 = $1549
Reader Jonathan sends us a screenshot from Dell with the message, “Dell needs a new calculator.” The receipt from Dell lists the “unit price” of a laptop at $1710.00, then at the bottom shows a discount of $386 dollars…resulting in a “subtotal” of $1549. Either their math is wrong, or this is the worst receipt ever. Where did the extra $161 come from? Shouldn’t that sort of thing be clearly marked? —MEGHANN MARCO
Verizon Finally Admits They Were Wrong
It only took them five days, but somehow it got through to Verizon that they were wrong. They issued George an official apology letter and promised to teach their reps the difference between dollars and cents.
YouTubers Post Videos In Response To Verizon Math Call
5Six different video have already gone up on YouTube in response to our upload of George’s original “Verizon Can’t Count” phone call.

Gillette Razor Blade Hyperdrive
I, Brownlee, may have mentioned this before… but I am a huge fan of Gillette’s multiple-razor initiatives. I can still remember the first time I experienced the Mach 3, like an angel’s tongue lusciously licking the follicles off of my cheek. The next day, I marched into work and, with a word of stern command, began ordering stray co-workers — men, women, it didn’t matter — to caress, nay, fondle my cheeks. “What you’re feeling is very similar to what my ass once felt like as an infant,” I’d confidently assert. If this made my co-workers uncomfortable, it was well hidden by the awe which enraptured them at the touch of my silky-smooth jowls.