This bit of video game lore in a discount store isn’t fodder for the Raiders of the Lost Walmart, because it isn’t something for sale. It’s not a retail antiquity, exactly, but a display in the video games section of a Meijer store that features a bafflingly old game. [More]
mass effect

The Day After Winning Worst Company Crown, EA Does Something Nice For Mass Effect Fans
As much as we’d love to think that yesterday’s victory by Electronic Arts in the Worst Company In America tournament pushed them to do something nice, we have a feeling that it’s just a coincidence that the video game publisher has announced it will release some downloadable content — for free! — to appease angry Mass Effect 3 players. [More]

Massachusetts Appliance Rebate Program Lasts 145 Minutes
When Massachusetts announced their cash-for-clunker appliance rebate program, Consumerist bet it would last one day before the rebate cash ran dry. We were wrong — it took less than three hours. [More]

EA Allows 3 "Activations" Of Mass Effect And That's It? Period?
Reader jk writes in to let us know that EA’s sci-fi epic Mass Effect is still having DRM issues on the PC platform. This time, instead of requiring gamers to maintain an internet connection and activate their game every few weeks, paying customers (allegedly) get three “activations” of the game and that’s it. Uninstalling the game doesn’t “give back” an activation.

UPDATE: Electronic Arts And Bioware Back Down On Mass Effect DRM
The backlash against Bioware/EA’s Mass Effect DRM has resulted in a successful conclusion, it seems. Bioware has announced that they have reworked the DRM and will no longer require reauthorization every 10 days.

Mass Effect DRM Causing Backlash Among PC Gamers
If you’d like to play the PC version of Bioware/EA’s hit XBOX 360 title “Mass Effect,” you’d better have an internet connection. Why? Because in order to remain “activated” the game will need to reauthorize itself via the internet every 10 days. Go 11 days without checking in and your game won’t work until you do. Some gamers are saying that this requirement makes them feel like criminals, and doesn’t make a lot of sense for a game that otherwise doesn’t require an internet connection.