Inside, an interactive Googlemaps Mashup showing the most popular hotels from the DC Madam’s phone records.

Top 10 Most "Ho-Friendly" DC Hotels, Based On The DC Madam's Phone Records
If you want to have sex with a prostitute in Washington D.C., try the Marriott.

Marriott's ISP Blames Scam Site Redirect On World's First Bisexual Rootkit
There’s been a comment war boiling as Marriott, Will, and the hotel’s internet access company (GTS) duke it out to discern the vulnerability redirecting Marirott internet using guests to a casino scam site.
Marriott Server Compromised, Rerouting Guest's Internet To Casino Scam Site?
When Will changed around the server settings to use a public DNS server instead of Marriott’s, the problem disappeared, leading Will to think someone had “poisoned” Marriott’s DNS servers to drive traffic to their casino scam page(s). He then reported this to Marriott’s techs. We’ve spoken ourselves with Marriott’s server people and they confirm that the secondary DNS is wacked but they need to investigate further.

Best Hotels For Free WiFi
Hotel Chatter has unleashed their yearly survey of that most elusive of perks, free wifi! We don’t know if any hotel executives read this blog, but if you do, put free wifi in your hotel. Do it right now. Then call your friend Bob who works at an airline and tell him to put free wifi in his terminal. The Jenny who works at the library and Peter who works at the Parks District…

Faked/Altered Customer Satisfaction Suveys: Marriott
(Corporate hotels have little to worry about because if they foul up, Marriott will just send in a glut of extra labor to fix the problem.) So how to keep labor costs way down and keep the scores way up? Easy.