Warning: Even if medical marijuana is legal in your state and you have a valid prescription, your employer can still fire you for using it. A Michigan man learned this the hard way after failing a drug test given by his employer of five years, Walmart. [More]

McDonald's Combo Meal Includes Gun And Bags Of Pot
A South Carolina teenager got more than he expected from a McDonald’s in Charleston, according to WIS 10 news in Columbia. And, no, we’re not talking supersize fries. After placing his order and paying, he drove up to the pickup window, where the attendant asked him, “who gets the bags?” The customer said it didn’t matter, so the Mcster handed him three bags — two containing food for the driver and his passenger, and one with some extras: a loaded handgun and bags of weed.

This California K.F.C. Sells Marijuana Instead Of Chicken
We just love obvious conversions of former fast food restaurants, but this has to be the best one we’ve ever seen. A former Kentucky Fried Chicken has been replaced with “Kind For Cures,” a marijuana dispensary, says LA Weekly.

LA Cracks Down On Medical Marijuana Dispensaries
Los Angeles seems to have a lot of trouble policing commerce-related things. Advertisers put up $100,000 illegal billboards overnight and never have to take them down, and now apparently medical marijuana stores are running rampant. The Los Angeles times says that since the city enacted a moratorium on new dispensaries in 2007, the number has grown from 186 to more than 600.

Kellogg's Brand Reputation Takes A Hit After Dumping Phelps?
Supposedly, Kellogg’s “brand reputation” is in the gutter after canning Phelps over the pot photo, slipping from #9 to #83 in a list of 5,600 companies. We’d believe it more if this “reputation index” chart from Vanno, a brand index company, didn’t look like someone was given PowerPoint and 3 minutes and told to produce some convincing evidence for a press release.

UPS Inadvertently Busts Mail Order Pot Scheme By Delivering Brick Of Marijuana To Wrong Address
UPS delivered a package to a Texas man expecting some tools he had ordered. Instead, the man found a 30-pound brick of marijuana.
Burger King’s Secret Sauce
A couple of police officers in Los Lunas, New Mexico ate about half of their Whoppers when all of a sudden, they noticed they were feeling pretty… mellow. Removing the bun, they discovered that the patties were peppered with mary jane. Pot. Marijuana to you squares.