It’s time to start making preparations for the coming school year, and that very important question: what do your kids want for lunch? Every year, blogger Lem Penzo calculates how much different types of sandwiches will cost per serving, then compares it to other types and the same sandwich in past years. [More]
make me a sammich

New Restaurant Somehow Combines Grilled Cheese Sandwiches And Smartphones
When I want a grilled cheese sandwich but don’t have the ingredients on hand, I have to use current, arduous methods of sandwich procurement. I have to call the shop ten minutes or so ahead of time, travel there, and then travel back home. If I want to eat in, I have to place my order and then wait for several minutes while my sandwich cooks. Fortunately, a new venture is out to reform these time-consuming tasks, letting you order up sandwiches on your smartphone and putting them in your hands about a minute after entering the shop. It’s called The Melt, and sells grilled cheese sandwiches and soup. Only grilled cheese sandwiches and soup. [More]