Medical marijuana is already legal in Illinois, and newly introduced legislation hopes to add the Land of Lincoln to the small but growing list of states allowing the sale and use of recreational pot.
make it so

Illinois Lawmakers Propose Bill Legalizing Recreational Marijuana

Your Star Trek Dreams Are Closer To Reality Now That Amazon Echo Responds To “Computer”
If you’ve ever stared longingly at your smart devices and wished they would respond when you’re doing your best Capt. Jean-Luc Picard impression, we’ve got some good news for you: Amazon has added “computer” to its list of words that will wake up its digital assistant Alexa on Echo devices. [More]

PayPal Now Lets iOS Users Send And Request Money With Siri
Don’t feel like tapping or swiping around on your phone, but have to pay your buddy $17 for all that pizza you devoured last night? If you’ve got the PayPal app on an iOS device, you can now just tell Siri to do it. [More]

Sir Patrick Stewart Has Strong Feelings About Hardware Stores
Do you have an aspiration in life? Do you confess it to the world when you’re out late after maybe a few adult beverages? Noted actor, treasure of the Anglophone world, and eater of tuna salad sandwiches on planes Patrick Stewart would like the world to know that he loves hardware stores, and he would really love to have one in his backyard. [More]

Time Warner Cable Saps Patrick Stewart's Will To Live
If you’ve ever thought that being a celebrity entitles you to a hotline that instantly fixes all those annoying problems that bother the rest of us, Sir Patrick Stewart has news for you. The actor, best known for managing to look authoritative in that silly outfit from Star Trek: The Next Generation, says that his ordeal with Time Warner Cable has taken away his will to live. [More]