
Dropbox Announces The End For Not-Popular-Enough Mailbox And Carousel Apps

Dropbox Announces The End For Not-Popular-Enough Mailbox And Carousel Apps

The mobile era seems to bring new innovations weekly, if not daily or hourly, but not all of them can last. And so it comes to pass that toay Dropbox has announced it is dropping two of its once-hot services, Mailbox and Carousel. [More]

(Alan Turkus)

Here Are Some E-Mails To Consumerist That We Don’t Understand

Here at Consumerist, we receive a wide variety of e-mails: reader complaints, pleas for help, links to news articles and blog posts, bafflingly irrelevant press releases, grammar corrections, insider confessions, and funny photos. We read and appreciate all of it, but sometimes we receive messages that we simply don’t understand. [More]

Jerks Often Steal Checks And Money Orders From Mailboxes

Jerks Often Steal Checks And Money Orders From Mailboxes

You probably already knew that, but like Shemika, you probably didn’t think it would happen to you.