People all over the world adore Apple’s phones, tablets, and computers, but they quite emphatically do not like the charging cords for those devices. People discuss the failings of these peripherals everywhere online, from product review pages to support forums to dedicated blogs full of frayed-cord gore. Yet there are avenues to complain about products that are obviously defective that could trigger a recall or other action. [More]

Apple Replaces Frayed Magsafe Adapter Cables For Free
Apple will replace or refund out-of-warranty frayed Magsafe adapters, according to the terms of proposed class action lawsuit settlement. [More]

Apple's MagSafe Adapters Still Fraying, Melting, Sucking
Apple’s perpetually melting and fraying MagSafe adapters—apparently these things are made out of Styrofoam and rice paper—continue to cause trouble.

Burning Macbook Adaptor Porn.
It’s bad enough that the laptop started to burn on Adrian’s bed while he was in it… [More]