From what we’re hearing at Consumerist HQ, it’s easy to picture what goes on at Macy’s credit card headquarters. When a check arrives, someone throws it in the air, and then it’s applied to whatever completely random bill it lands on. That might help explain what happened to Joe, or not. He doesn’t even know what his account number is supposed to be in the first place, and no one in the credit card department does, either. [More]
Shoppers Give Costco Highest Overall Marks Among Major Retailers
Our pals-in-arms at the Consumer Reports National Research Center recently asked more than 26,000 readers to rate their shopping experiences at the nation’s top retailers — both in-store and online — and in spite of being a members’ only warehouse store, Costco came out looking the best. [More]

Macy's Fighting With JC Penney Over Who Gets To Shill Martha Stewart's Housewares
Macy’s and JC Penney are in a legal tiff right now, after Martha Stewart’s company hopped in bed with JC Penney to sell her housewares in their stores. Macy’s is mad because they say they’ve got exclusive rights on all those taupe towels and ecru egg holders. [More]

Macy's Consumer Protection Department Protects Me By Canceling My Orders
Macy’s is very concerned about Susan. Apparently. She’s not sure why, but their “consumer protection” department has intervened and canceled four of her last six orders, making her lose out on rebates and items that subsequently went out of stock. The reasons for the cancellations make sense on the surface…except that they aren’t actually true. Her phone number matches her credit card. Nothing else should raise a red flag for fraud. Who is Macy’s protecting her from? [More]

Macy's Can't Keep Track Of Who Made Which Payments On Whose Credit Account
Call center representatives who handle Macy’s credit card inquiries are starting to wonder what’s wrong with reader Melannie. She keeps making $150 payments on her account, but she doesn’t owe anything. She hasn’t even used the card since 2009. They can refund her the overpayment, but that’s not the problem. Because she never made the payment in the first place. [More]

Theft Victim Catches Guy Returning Her Stuff To Macy's
Rachel thought she would never see her stuff again. Someone had stolen the Christmas gifts she left on the backseat of her car parked in front of her house overnight, along with her iPod. It was $460 out the window. But when she went back to Macy’s to replace some of the gifts, her Spidey-sense started tingling. [More]

Big Retailers Opening Doors Even Earlier On Black Friday
Instead of the usual 3am Black Friday door opening, several retailers, including Target, Macy’s, and Kohls, announced they’re going to be open at midnight this year. [More]

Best Buy, Macy's & Other Stores Announce Holiday Hiring Surges
Good news for anyone looking for a seasonal job — Best Buy, Macy’s and Toys R’ Us have all announced they’ll be hiring a few thousand extra workers for the upcoming holiday season. [More]

The iPad Vending Machine At Macy's
I know iPad and iPod and gizmo-disgorging vending machines are nothing new, but it was still unnerving to see one as I passed through a Macy’s men’s department this weekend. I kind of hate it, and I kind of love it. [More]

Macy's Policy Against Breaking Bills Results In Loss of Sale
Retailers take note: sticking to your guns on certain store policies may result in a loss of a sale. As one Consumerist reader writes in, Macy’s is out $17 after refusing to make a simple change transaction. [More]

Macy's Admits It's Totally Peeping On You In The Fitting Room
If you live in Florida and feel like someone’s peeping on you in the department store fitting room to make sure you’re not thieving, well, they could be! [More]

Macy's To Pay $750K For Selling Hoodies With Drawstrings
When I was a young thing, the drawstring on your hooded sweatshirt was something to chew on or play with while being bored to death in school. But as of 2006, such drawstrings have been considered strangulation hazards in children’s clothing. That, however, didn’t stop Macy’s from selling hoodies, jackets and other kids’ clothing with drawstrings, which is why the retailer now has to pay a penalty of $750,000. [More]

Is This A Macy's Ad, Or A Math Test?
We love to make fun of the asterisk-riddled coupons available at Macy*s, but reader JB sent in an ad that takes confusing sales to an entirely new level. [More]

A Little Pesky Snow Can't Deter Shoppers Set On Spending
Neither rain nor sleet nor snow nor that crap they call wintry mix can keep shoppers out of their favorite stores, even in the depths of cold, blustery and wet January. Numbers are in on last month’s sales, and stores like Costco, Victoria’s Secret and Macy’s are boasting strong numbers. [More]

What Do You Think Of The Stores-Within-Stores Trend?
These days, more and more big box and department store chains are taking a cue from shopping malls by renting out floor space to retailers to create smaller stores within stores. It’s a model that has helped some businesses to stay afloat in these tough times, but does it benefit you? [More]

Study: Putting Celebrities In TV Ads Only Makes Them Worse
Do you buy Activia because Jamie Lee Curtis says you should? Or a Sony TV because Peyton Manning is their pitchman? What about that stash of Extenze you keep in the bedside table — did you purchase that on the recommendation of Jimmy Johnson? A new study shows that the answer to all these questions is probably a big “no.” [More]

Dismissed Macy's Santa Finds New Gig… At A Bar
Many of you will remember the story from the other day of how a San Francisco Macy’s kicked its long-time Santa to the curb after he made a slightly off-color comment to some adult shoppers. Well it looks like at least someone in the Bay Area has the holiday spirit, because Santa has found new employment where he won’t have to worry about saying something inappropriate. [More]