
Mac Users, Things May Be Getting Steamy

Mac Users, Things May Be Getting Steamy

Although Apple’s App Store may be getting considerably less steamy, the opposite is true of gamers who use Macs for console games. Kotaku reports Steam, the digital distribution platform that lets you buy games on demand, may be headed Macward, usable on OS X. [More]

NeatReceipts Offers Extra Neat Customer Service

NeatReceipts Offers Extra Neat Customer Service

Christopher made a mistake when he ordered a NeatReceipts scanner from Woot. He made some incorrect assumptions and ordered the Windows version of the device when he uses a Mac. But even though he was the one who made the mistake, the neat people at NeatReceipts happily swapped scanners with him—for free.

Jake Hunts For A Good Laptop

Jake Hunts For A Good Laptop

Funny or Die has a pretty funny, nsfw parody of the current Microsoft “You find it, you keep it” commercials. Jake’s in the market for a decent laptop that can meet his needs, which include a big screen, the ability to go online, and enough cash left over for some subscriptions to certain adult websites. It’s basically what the real commercial would look like in a world without TV censors.


A list of online tech help sites. [New York Times]

Apple: MacBooks Can't Handle GarageBand

Apple: MacBooks Can't Handle GarageBand

Two Apple customer service representatives told reader Mark to blame his MacBook’s four hard drive crashes on GarageBand, professional-grade software that his puny consumer-grade laptop ‘can’t handle.’ Every MacBook comes with GarageBand pre-loaded as part of Apple’s iLife suite.

Get Applecare Executive Customer Service

Every Phone Number For TWC Level 3 Tech Support

New Mac Ads Preach to the Converted

For something that’s supposed to be so hip, macs are definitely taking a very classic turn in these latest “pc vs mac” spots.

A Worse Virus Than Mac Trojans: Bad AP Journalism

According to this piece by the Daring Fireball blog dissecting an AP article on the recent rumors that Macs are susceptible to viruses, sometimes journalism is fluffy and insipid.