If your summer plans include eating a bunch of lobster rolls or other meals involving the crustacean, we’ve got good news: Your sustenance won’t break the bank. [More]
lower prices

Target CEO: The Retail Landscape Hasn’t Been This Bad Since The Recession
Brick-and-mortar retail is in trouble. You can tell that from reports on this very site of retail bankruptcies and store closings, and from the number of Amazon boxes piled in front of your and your neighbors’ front doors. Today, Target executives shared discouraging news of falling sales and profits at its investors day event, and explained that the chain’s way forward is to imitate Walmart. [More]

Amazon Stops Price-Matching Everything But TVs, So Here’s Your Guide To Other Retailers’ Policies
No one likes to pay more for something than they have to. For that reason, several retailers offer pricing guarantees that allow customers to receive refunds if the cost of an item changes within a certain amount of time. Amazon is no longer one of the companies offering this protection. [More]