
Chrysler Financial Accused Of Turning Down Government Loan To Avoid Executive Bonus Restrictions

Chrysler Financial Accused Of Turning Down Government Loan To Avoid Executive Bonus Restrictions

The Washington Post has just published a story accusing executives at Chrysler Financial of turning down a $750 million government loan because they “didn’t want to abide by new federal limits on pay,” and instead opted for more expensive private sector financing, “adding to the burdens of the already fragile automaker and its financing company.” Chrysler Financial denies the charge.

Tennessee Couple Gets $5,000 Loan, 59% Interest Rate

Tennessee Couple Gets $5,000 Loan, 59% Interest Rate

Kay and Lewis Brown wanted some quick cash so they could make a moderate addition to their home. They turned to CashCall, an online loan service, after seeing the ads on TV. The company lent them $5,000 — at 59% interest. Now the couple is on the hook for $20,830.

Government To Banks: Why Are You Making Predatory Loans With Taxpayer Money?

Government To Banks: Why Are You Making Predatory Loans With Taxpayer Money?

The bailed-out banks have found a new way to annoy the government, according to the Congressional Oversight Panel, the body named by Congress to oversee the federal bailout. Chair of the committee and friend of the blog, Elizabeth Warren, is concerned that the same people who are subsidizing the banks are being targeted by abusive lending practices, says the Wall Street Journal

AmTrust Offers Homeowner $50 To Voluntarily Close HELOC

AmTrust Offers Homeowner $50 To Voluntarily Close HELOC

Here’s a new tactic we haven’t seen before: mortgage originator AmTrust called blogger BeThisWay and offered her $50 to voluntarily close her home equity line of credit (HELOC), possibly in response to the recent class action lawsuit against them for illegally closing HELOCs. She writes, “Well, I’d like to keep my HELOC. But I have to figure out AmTrust’s next move. What will they do if not enough people voluntarily surrender their HELOCs? Are cancellations next? Am I better off taking the $50 now, or waiting, hoping they don’t cancel it?”

House Preparing To Legalize Payday Loans With 391% APRs

House Preparing To Legalize Payday Loans With 391% APRs

A House subcommittee wants to legalize payday loans with interest rates of up to 391%. Lobbyists from the payday industry bought Congress’ support by showering influential members, including Chairman Luiz Gutierrez, with campaign cash. The Congressman is now playing good cop, bad cop with the payday industry, which is pretending to oppose his generous gift of a bill.

A Big-Ass List Of Student Loan Resources

A Big-Ass List Of Student Loan Resources

It’s a tough economic climate to be graduating from school — and maybe an even tougher one for those of you trying to get financial aid. We’ve put together a list of some financial aid and student lending resources to help make things easier.

Is It Ok To Give Cash To Needy Friends?

Is It Ok To Give Cash To Needy Friends?

Yes, it’s ok to lend cash to needy friends, but only if you have a clear understanding of your gift and its effects. Money undeniably alters relationships, and giving can greatly complicate, if not entirely undermine, a valued friendship. Yet, money is also one of the most direct ways to provide help. The Times provided several questions to consider before making a gift…

H&R Block's Refund Anticipation Loan Card Eats Your Refund

H&R Block's Refund Anticipation Loan Card Eats Your Refund

Poor Sam didn’t take our advice. He let H&R Block do his taxes and then took out a refund anticipation loan. The money, which was deposited on an H&R Block Emerald Card, is now tied up by several inexplicable holds for transactions he didn’t make. The companies supposedly holding the funds have no clue who Sam is, or why they’d be holding his money. H&R Block’s only response is to charge Sam $2 whenever he calls their customer service line for help.

How To Be A Sexy Borrower

How To Be A Sexy Borrower

and a plunging debt-to-income ratio that reveals a nice plump credit score. Here’s the new rules of credit-worthiness game:

Cash Rebates For New Cars Can Be Used On Old Loan

Cash Rebates For New Cars Can Be Used On Old Loan

Owe more on your old car than it’s worth, but want to buy a new one? Those cash rebates so many car companies are offering on new purchase can be used to pay off your old loan. [Bankrate] (Photo: morsteen)

Citi "Homeowner Helper" Site Merely Potemkin Village?

Citi "Homeowner Helper" Site Merely Potemkin Village?

Did Citi set up its “homeowner helper” site to comply with Obama’s mortgage assistance programs, but then not actually attach it to any humans that will help homeowners? After inputting his info on the site, Citi told reader CoarseLive to schedule an appointment with a representative. No one ever called him. When he tried calling Citi directly, multiple agents told him they had no idea what he was talking about, and they hung up on him, again and again. His story, inside…

BoA: No Credit, Even For Rocket Scientists

BoA: No Credit, Even For Rocket Scientists

If you have any lines of credit and you use them to manage your financial flow, you should evaluate your personal money matrix so you’re ready in case all of them get cut. They’re cutting lines of credit even for rocket scientists like reader Rocky. That’s right, he’s an engineer in the aerospace industry, has never overdrawn, never been late, never incurred NSF charges, and has 3 Masters and 2 MBAs. Overnight, they cut his four lines of credit. Apparently his only crime was simply having them. He called multiple times and got nowhere, only to be told to talk to a credit counselor. A credit counselor? Bank of America, he doesn’t have bad credit, he has no lines of credit because you just cut them all. His story, inside…

DirecTV Owner Swoops In To Save Sirius From Bankruptcy

DirecTV Owner Swoops In To Save Sirius From Bankruptcy

Liberty Media, the owner of DirecTV, has swooped in at the last minute to save Sirius from certain bankruptcy. Liberty will invest a $530 million in the form of loans to the satellite radio company, $175 million of which will go to paying debt that comes due for Sirius today.


Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has announced a new website,, to increase transparency in the financial stability program.

Chase Wants You To Pay Your Taxes By Credit Card. Don't.

Chase Wants You To Pay Your Taxes By Credit Card. Don't.

Chase has emailed its customers a friendly reminder that if you can’t pay your taxes this year, you can charge them on your Chase credit card! Even the IRS site suggests you consider using a credit card if you can’t pay your debt. However, before you do something as debt crazy as charge up a high credit card balance, consider the following points and make sure you’re doing the most financially responsible thing.

Save On Credit Card Bills By Paying Earlier

Save On Credit Card Bills By Paying Earlier

By making one simple change, you can use the same amount of money to pay off your credit card faster.

Save Thousands On Credit Card Debt By Paying Off More Each Month

Save Thousands On Credit Card Debt By Paying Off More Each Month

Are you smarter than a credit card? You’re not if you’re not paying off more than what the credit card company requires you to each month.

Countrywide Freezes HELOCs, Says "It's Not You, It's Your Home"

Countrywide Freezes HELOCs, Says "It's Not You, It's Your Home"

Eric writes: