A new law has made Hawaii the first state in the country to outlaw the possession of shark fin — a delicacy that goes for $48 a plate, according to the AP. [More]
literal consumption

How To Eat A Chicken Wing
I find those boney chicken wings really aggravating but that is apparently only because I am dumb and don’t know how to eat one properly. Thankfully, I have the internet and this YouTube video.

Man Eats Windows 7 Themed 7-Layer Whopper
For some reason, possibly because they have the same ad agency as Burger King, Microsoft has convinced the fast food chain to offer a 7-layer Whopper in celebration of Windows 7. What is a 7-layer Whopper? It’s just a Whopper with 7 patties.

Is Cheap Food To Blame For Our Expensive Health Care?
Michael Pollan thinks so. He’s got an op-ed in the NYT where he examines the relationship between or expensive health care and our cheap fast food.