If all your friends were launching standalone streaming entertainment, would you? It seems the peer pressure bug has been biting some of the major players in media, after HBO, CBS and Univision all announced recently that they’d be offering content directly to consumers on a subscription basis. And now movie studio Lionsgate is joining the fray with its own online subscription service, launching next year. [More]

Leaked Movie About Kicking Butt Vanishes From File-Sharing Sites After Butt-Kicking From Courts
For decades, we’ve all been sitting through FBI warnings before our movies. Those warnings tell us that sharing media is very wrong, piracy is bad, and we will all get into trouble for doing it. So the operators of file-sharing torrent sites know they might end up on risky legal ground. But what they might not expect is to have their websites removed from the internet for them before they even know they’re being sued. [More]

Leaked Copy Of ‘The Expendables 3’ Downloaded More Than 100K Times A Month Before It Hits Theaters
The devotion of young men who love action movies and Sylvester Stallone combined with that demographic’s ability to torrent video content quickly and easily is providing quite a headache for Lionsgate, the distributor of the upcoming The Expendables 3, after a reportedly near DVD-quality copy of the movie leaked online earlier this week. [More]

Report: Hunger Games Studio Goes After Anti-Hunger Organization
You probably haven’t heard that there’s a small independent movie — apparently based on a little-known series of books — called The Hunger Games that’s getting a limited release this weekend. Well, the studio behind that film is trying to stop an anti-hunger group from cashing in on the Hunger Games name. [More]

Best Buy Manager: We Didn't Sell You A Defective Blu-Ray Disc, Lionsgate Did
A few months ago, Consumerist reader Dave picked up a few of the “Saw” movies on Blu-Ray while shopping at his local Best Buy in Georgia. And when he finally got around to popping “Saw IV” into his player last month, it wouldn’t play. So, since he still had the receipt it shouldn’t have been a problem to get a replacement disc from Best Buy, right? [More]

Groupon Gets Into The Movie Ticket Business
With Facebook getting into the movie rental business and Netflix deciding it should start producing TV shows, Groupon has decided to get into the entertainment biz too, offering its first deal on movie tickets for a new theatrical release. [More]