
Cyber Monday: Not Our Funday

Business Week’s Bob D. Hof has a brilliant dissection of the ‘Cyber Monday’ campaign, the much-touted farce designed by to spur you to purchase lots of holiday crap. member Shmuel Gniwisch, chief executive of the online jewelry site, recalls getting an e-mail from last year, suggesting that online retailers come up with their own marketing hook to match Black Friday. “The online guys got together and said, ‘Let’s give people something different,'” he says. “The reality is, we didn’t notice anything special” on the Monday after Thanksgiving.

We’ve personally gotten dozens of calls about ‘Cyber Monday’ over the last week, mostly from confused print and television editors questioning why they hadn’t heard of this massive online retail fiesta. The reason is pretty clear, as Hof explains: for most major online retailers, ‘Cyber Monday’ isn’t the biggest shopping day of the year.