
Proposed Legislation To Save Internet Radio

Proposed Legislation To Save Internet Radio

As you may well know, U.S. Reps. Jay Inslee (D-Wash.) and Don Manzullo (R-Ill.) filed legislation that would reverse a recent decision of the federal Copyright Royalty Board (CRB) to drastically increase the amount internet radio stations have to pay to air their songs. For those of you interested you can read the proposed legislation, here. This is yet another one of those situations where you may want to write a letter expressing your opinion.

The RIAA And MPAA Need To Lie

The RIAA And MPAA Need To Lie

The RIAA and MPAA are telling California legislators that lies and deceit are an integral part of their anti-piracy strategy. The importance of lying, masterfully demonstrated by Jim Carrey in his 1997 hit “Liar Liar,” is at issue as California legislators mull a measure that would ban pretexting. Otherwise known as lying, pretexting involves the use of “false statements and other misleading practices to get personal information.”

Cell Phone Companies Are Terrified Of New Jersey

Cell Phone Companies Are Terrified Of New Jersey

New Jersey has had enough. The New Jersey Assembly Consumer Affairs Committee has proposed several bills directed at cell phone companies, once of which is called the “Wireless Telephone Consumer Protection Act.” It would require “full disclosure of service levels and fees and set standards for cell phone advertisements, contracts and billing,” according to the Star-Ledger.

Airlines Are So Bad They Make Secular Progressives Agree With Bill O'Reilly

Airlines Are So Bad They Make Secular Progressives Agree With Bill O'Reilly

The fiasco managed to unite liberal California Sen. Barbara Boxer with … Bill O’Reilly.

Payday Lenders Are Just A Symptom

Payday lenders receive buckets of bane for preying upon low-income, under informed borrowers, as ruminated upon in a recent NYT piece:

Payday Loanshark’s Waters Drain

A proposed cap on payday loan percentages charged to members of the military is nearing final approval. The bill aims to limit the vigorish to 36%, down from the usual 350%. Great, how about the rest of us?

House Approves Bill for FDA to Override State Labeling Laws

House Approves Bill for FDA to Override State Labeling Laws

The US House passed allowing the FDA to invalidate state’s food and labeling laws if they’re stricter than federal standards.

Don’t Buy a Lemon from Chicago

Don’t Buy a Lemon from Chicago

Did you know that Illinois doesn’t make car accident reports public? So if you Carfax a used car from there, you won’t know it’s already been around the block. Efforts to introduce legislation to change this have failed.