Sometimes, food isn’t enough, and diners want a show. Restaurants know that, including one Missouri spot that’s known for being the “Home of the Throwed Rolls,” which means exactly what you might think: dinner rolls are tossed through the air from servers to guests. But one customer claims things got out of hand when she was hit in the eye with a dinner roll, and she’s now suing over her injuries. [More]
legal news

Woman Suing Restaurant Known For Throwing Dinner Rolls After She Says She Was Hit In The Head With One

Report: Judges Collect More Than $1 Million In Traffic Fines By Calling Them 'Court Costs'
Imagine you’re caught speeding — or driving recklessly, or driving without a license — and you appear in traffic court all set to pay the fine. But then the judge tells you that he’s not only knocking your offense down to a warning, but also discounting your penalty and collecting the lesser amount as “court costs.” You’d probably be very happy. Only problem is, it’s probably illegal and it keeps bad drivers on the road. [More]

Self-Described "King Of Infomercials" Found Dead In Jail Cell
If, like me, you’re not a stranger to scanning through the meager offerings on late-night TV, you will more than likely recognize TV pitchman Don Lapre, whose numerous get-rich-quick ads became so infamous he was spoofed on Saturday Night Live. They also landed Lapre in an Arizona jail on charges of, among other things, mail fraud and promotional money laundering. And this is where the 47-year-old was found yesterday morning, dead of an apparent suicide. [More]