When the last joint has been smoked, the vaporizer has run out of oil, and the Munchies Monster is demanding to be fed, where do marijuana users go to feast? [More]
legal marijuana

Sorry, Colorado — New Law Means No More Weed Gummy Bears
If Maureen Dowd ever decides to go back to Colorado and give weed edibles another chance, she may have more success figuring out how strong that chocolate bar is — but she also won’t be able to buy any marijuana gummy bears: New state laws going into effect Oct. 1 require more prominent potency labels on edibles, as well as prohibiting certain shapes that could be mistaken for regular candy treats. [More]

Governors Ask Attorney General To Leave Their Legal Marijuana Alone
While federal lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are pushing for legislation to reform marijuana laws, the executive branch of the government has given every indication of a coming crackdown on recreational marijuana, even in states where it’s now legal. The governors of the first four states to legalize pot are now asking the White House to respect their states’ voters and not return weed to the dark ages. [More]

Should People Be Allowed To Smoke Up At Legal Retail Marijuana Shops?
So you’re visiting a state where recreational marijuana is legal. Congratulations! Now it’s time to get some of that green stuff and partake — but where are you supposed to get high if you don’t have a private residence? [More]

Pot Growers Trying To Cut Costs In The Face Of Dropping Legal Marijuana Prices
The good news for indoor pot growers in states where marijuana is legal is that now they don’t have to hide their crops in secret growing sheds or their grandma’s basement. The bad news is that there’s a lot of competition, causing wholesale marijuana prices to sink. To keep up in such a crowded market, growers are now turning to new technology and growing methods designed keep efficiency up and costs down. [More]

Group Handing Out Free Marijuana At Inauguration In Push For Federal Legalization
Will handing out thousands of free joints convince the federal government to legalize marijuana? That may be unlikely, but there will be free weed exchanging hands on Inauguration Day in Washington, D.C. [More]

The Beer Industry Is Taking A Hit Because Of Legal Marijuana
When it comes time to kick back on the couch and get your buzz on, a new study says consumers in states with legal marijuana may be reaching for the bong instead of a beer. [More]

The Company Behind Miracle-Gro Wants To Help You Grow (Legal) Hydroponic Weed
In the beverage industry, large mega-beer companies have acquired craft beer companies or created their own faux-craft beer brands, to keep up with the change in consumers’ tastes and preferences. The same thing is happening in a business you might not expect: Scotts, a company that makes fertilizers and other products for home gardeners, is getting into the business of helping people with some slightly larger houseplants: hydroponically grown marijuana. [More]

The Average Legal Marijuana User Spends $645 A Year On The Green Stuff
Before marijuana became legal in some states, you’d have to figure out on your own how much money you’d spend on weed. But now that recreational pot is a-okay in certain areas, it’s much easier to calculate those numbers. [More]

Lawsuit Claims “All Natural” Insecticide Used On Organic Marijuana Is Anything But
We’ve come a long way from complaints that the weed you bought in the school parking lot was cut with oregano that fall on deaf ears (because really, you should know better): now that there’s a burgeoning legal marijuana industry in some states, consumer complaints and grievances can be aired in court. Like a lawsuit in Oregon that claims the makers of an “all natural” insecticide used on “organically grown” pot plants actually contains a chemical substance. [More]

Microsoft Getting Into The Legal Marijuana Business With Software That Tracks Pot Plants
We’ve come a long way from the days of warning teens about the dangers of reefer madness, America. These days, major corporations are hopping into bed with marijuana in the hopes of making money in states where marijuana is legal. Microsoft is the first big company to get into the weed business, with a new partnership to offer software that tracks pot plants from “seed to sale.” [More]

Study: Colorado Tourists Going To The ER With Pot Complaints More Than Residents
It’s probably no surprise that now that marijuana is legal in Colorado, tourists are trying it out. However, doctors say they were somewhat surprised by the results of a study which found that out-of-state tourists were visiting emergency rooms more often than residents with pot complaints. [More]

Why Some Pro-Pot Ohioans Are Against An Initiative To Legalize Marijuana
Although the issue of marijuana legalization can seem straightforward in many ways — either you want medical and recreational to be bought, sold and consumed legally or you don’t — a current initiative in Ohio that would amend the state’s constitution to allow legal pot is meeting resistance from some of the people who are usually in favor of the stuff. [More]

Lawmakers Introduce Legislation That Would Give Legal Marijuana Businesses Access To Banking Services
One of the biggest challenges facing the new legal marijuana industry comes down to money: now that businesses in certain states have gotten the go ahead to sell weed, many of them are stuck in a tough spot when it comes to actually dealing payments for their products, since the drug is still illegal under federal law. A group of senators is seeking to change that, introducing a bill that would take the heat off legal marijuana operations and give them access to banking services. [More]

It’s Official: Owning And Using Marijuana Is Now Legal In Washington D.C.
It’s been quite a green week in the country, as the last few days have seen the recreational use of marijuana become legal in Alaska and now the capital of the United States, Washington D.C. But curb those dreams of toking up at the Lincoln Memorial, folks, because there are some limits to the new law. [More]

Vermont Lawmakers Mulling Idea Of Legalizing Marijuana
Voters in Colorado, D.C. Washington State did it, but if Vermont’s lawmakers legalize recreational marijuana, it’d be the first state legislature to do so, instead of people heading to the polls to push it through. [More]

Voters In Oregon, Alaska, Washington D.C. Legalize Marijuana
Break out the celebratory brownies: Alaska, Oregon and D.C. are joining the ranks Washington State and Colorado, after residents had their say in last night’s vote and legalized marijuana where they live, in varying degrees. [More]

Colorado Health Officials Pushing To Ban Most Forms Of Edible Marijuana
With Halloween coming up, law enforcement officals Colorado have been warning parents about pot-laced candies or treats that might find their way into kids’ bags this year, now that recreational marijuana is legal in the state. And in order to decrease the likelihood of pot product confusion in the future, health officials are now pushing the state to ban most edible forms of pot, including brownies, cookies, cakes and most candies. [More]