
CheapAssGamer.com Subpoenaed By Circuit City

CheapAssGamer.com Subpoenaed By Circuit City

According to Consumerist’s sister-site Kotaku, CheapAssGamer.com has been sued subpoenaed by Circuit City over some leaked advertisements posted to their forum.

Best Buy Systemically Searching Geek Squad Precincts For Porn

Best Buy Systemically Searching Geek Squad Precincts For Porn

Best Buy is scanning Geek Squad computers for signs of porn infestation, as part of their continuing witch hunt. According to reports from four different Geek Squad employees, an edict was issued from corporate requiring precincts to connect every computer in every precinct to Agent Johnny Utah.

Geek Squad Documents: Meet Agent Johnny Utah

Geek Squad Documents: Meet Agent Johnny Utah

Agent Johnny Utah, aside from being the name of Keanu Reeves’ character in Point Break, is an outsourcing technique used by Geek Squad to keep labor costs low.

Convergys Call Center Sucks Because Agents Are Stabbing Each Other And Making Out In The Halls

Convergys Call Center Sucks Because Agents Are Stabbing Each Other And Making Out In The Halls

Customer service agents making out in the halls, employee knife fights, and overflowing commodes are just some of the reasons listed in this flameout resignation letter for why customer service seems to suck so much sometimes. The author worked at a Hazlewood, MO call center for Convergys, one of the leading companies for outsourced call center support. Some of their clients include Comcast, Walmart, and SBC. They also used to do AOL’s.

How Geek Squad Steals Your Porn

How Geek Squad Steals Your Porn

According to an insider, these are the tools, programs, and procedures one Geek Squad precinct exploits to snarf up your porn:

Air Traffic Control Blames Errors On Pilots To Fudge Safety Reports?

Trouble In The Air [MSNBC]

Geek Squad Hatched Plot To Harvest Porn From Pornstar Jasmine Grey's HardDrive, Days Before She Died In Car Crash

“I worked for Best Buy 285 several years ago (2003-2005) and was both a Blackshirt and an Agent once the Geek Squad rolled out.

Sprint Customers Terminated For Complaining Too Much Were Scamming Sprint For Free Service

Sprint Customers Terminated For Complaining Too Much Were Scamming Sprint For Free Service

Sprint announced Monday it was canceling the accounts of around 1,000 people who called customer service too much. At first blush, it might sound like a pretty jerk thing to do, have bad service and then punish people who complain, but we spoke with one of our most reliable Sprint insiders, who had a different side to the story: the terminated customers were scamming Sprint, calling in again and again, just to get free service credits.

Why Geeks Steal Porn From Your Computer

Why Geeks Steal Porn From Your Computer

hashand: I used to work at a computer repair place. All the stuff you’re finding isn’t limited to Best Buy. We had a 2 TB [terabyte] server of mp3s.


Allegedly an internal Blue Cross Blue Shield memo on Michale Moore’s “Sicko,” written by Barclay Fitzpatrick, VP of Capital BlueCross Corporate Communications [via BoingBoing]

2 More Former Employees Claim Geek Squad Stole Customers' Personal Files

2 More Former Employees Claim Geek Squad Stole Customers' Personal Files

Two more individuals identifying themselves as former Geek Squad employees have stepped forward with allegations about the repair company’s employees unauthorized copying of personal information from customer’s hard-drives.

Internet Reacts To Geek Squad Sting Op Video

Slate: “That can’t be good for business.”

Geek Squad Company Forums React To Sting Op Video

A sampling of what they’re saying on the Geek Squad internal message board about “Consumerist Catches Geek Squad Stealing Porn From Customer’s Computer.”

Comcast Customer Service Agents Get Answers To Certification Tests Right Before The Tests

Comcast Customer Service Agents Get Answers To Certification Tests Right Before The Tests

Comcast customer service sucks so much because they outsource much of it to Convergys, affectionately called the “sweat shop” of the call center industry. One disgruntled insider has these four unverified confessions about how they run their customer service hellholes:

17 Confessions Of Staples Drones

17 Confessions Of Staples Drones

14. Managers have coupons kept in the safe that they can use for dissatisfied customers. If you have a problem ask to speak to a manger and most of the time they will offer you some sort of discount on a product or a free service in the store.

Get Free Stuff At Starwood Hotels By Being A Regular And Complaining A Bunch?

Get Free Stuff At Starwood Hotels By Being A Regular And Complaining A Bunch?

According to a Starwood hotel insider, the chain has a super-generous comp policy. Her story, and an expert’s take on whether she’s full of beans, inside… “Most companies empower their employees to make the customer happy by offering discount or coupons – to an extent of course. I believe Starwood Hotel’s is called “Never Say No.” We were given the OK, with manager approval, to spend $1K/day to do whatever it took to make guests happy…”

At Launch, iPhone Only Available At Apple.com, Apple Stores, And Select AT&T Stores

At Launch, iPhone Only Available At Apple.com, Apple Stores, And Select AT&T Stores

Don’t go looking for the new iPhone at any ol’ AT&T store come June 29th, it will only be available through Apple.com, Apple stores, and certain special AT&T outlets, according to an AT&T memo we received.

"Security Mostly Follows Black People" Disgruntled Target Worker Alleges

"Security Mostly Follows Black People" Disgruntled Target Worker Alleges

UPDATE: A current Target employee rebuts these statements, inside…