
Best Buy Also Falls Victim To Embezzling Buyers

Best Buy Also Falls Victim To Embezzling Buyers

Another electronics store was taken for millions by an invoice-fixing scheme: a buyer for Best Buy and a vendor have been charged with overcharging Best Buy $31 million over four years.

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon Uses Liposuctioned Fat As Fuel For Car

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon Uses Liposuctioned Fat As Fuel For Car

And here’s number 16 on our grossest stories of 2008 list: an LA plastic surgeon is in trouble for powering his car with “lipodiesel” from his patients’ fat. Ewwww.

Family Of Daughter Who Died After Cigna Denied Her A Liver Transplant Files Lawsuit

Family Of Daughter Who Died After Cigna Denied Her A Liver Transplant Files Lawsuit

Remember last December when Cigna delayed approval of a liver transplant for a leukemia patient and she died? The girl’s family has filed a lawsuit against the insurance giant.

RIAA To Stop Suing File Sharers

RIAA To Stop Suing File Sharers

The Wall Street Journal and Ars Technica are reporting that the RIAA has announced a fairly dramatic change in its strategy to fight piracy.

Litigious $54 Million Dollar Pants Judge Loses His Appeal

Litigious $54 Million Dollar Pants Judge Loses His Appeal

Remember Judge Roy “Fancy Pants” Pearson’s $54 million dollar lawsuit against a dry cleaner that lost his pants? Well, he’s lost his appeal, says CNN.

Man Sues United Airlines For Getting Him Drunk — Causing Him To Beat His Wife

The Chicago Tribune says that a couple are suing United Airlines, claiming that the airline “negligently over served” the man — causing him to become drunk and to beat his wife.

New Enron Stock Settlement

New Enron Stock Settlement

If you bought individual Enron stock, you might get a piece of a new settlement against all the companies who supported Enron along the way and knew, or should have known, what was up. [TopClassActions]

MonsterCable Offers Wilted Olive Branch To MonsterMiniGolf

MonsterCable Offers Wilted Olive Branch To MonsterMiniGolf

With the launch of MonsterCable has offered a wilted olive branch to Monster Mini Golf. In summary:

Tell Monster Cable To Stop Suing A Monster-Themed MiniGolf Park

Tell Monster Cable To Stop Suing A Monster-Themed MiniGolf Park

If you would like to tell Monster Cable that they’re jerks for trying to shut down the family owned and operated Monster MiniGolf…

Monster Cable Sues Monster MiniGolf For Trademark Infringement

Monster Cable Sues Monster MiniGolf For Trademark Infringement

Monster Cable has decided to sue Monster MiniGolf for trademark infringement. Monster MiniGolf is a family startup by Patrick & Christina Vitagliano glow-in-the-dark monster-themed minigolf franchise with 23 locations. Monster Cable, which has an illustrious history of suing anything and everything with Monster in its name, makes the expensive cables that Best Buy is always trying to upsell you on that are no better than coat hangers.

Shoppers Suing Police Over Deadly Walmart Stampede

Shoppers Suing Police Over Deadly Walmart Stampede

Who is to blame when shoppers attack en masse? The store? The individual shoppers? The police? Two shoppers who say they were injured during the deadly Walmart Black Friday stampede in New York are suing the local police — claiming that they didn’t do enough to calm down the crowd minutes before the mob surged through the doors killing one employee.

How To File A Lawsuit

How To File A Lawsuit

Consumerist empowers consumers to take on bad companies, but sometimes even the negative PR that Consumerist can bring to bear is not enough to persuade companies to behave. When that happens, you might have to sue in order to get what you want. Here is a brief guide to your options when you decide you need to escalate your complaint to the courts.

Chiropractor Sues Patient Over Negative Yelp Review

Chiropractor Sues Patient Over Negative Yelp Review

Chris Norberg left a negative review on Yelp after he got into a billing dispute with chiropractor Steven Biegel. Instead of quietly fuming like most people who get bad reviews on Yelp do, Biegel sued Norberg for defamation. Can you really sue someone for a negative online review?

Video: Go In For Migraine, End Up With Amputation

Video: Go In For Migraine, End Up With Amputation

Imagine going to the doctor for a severe migraine and ending up with your right arm amputated. That’s what happened to Diana Levine when her doctor injected her with Phenergan, it seeped out of the vein into an artery, and gave her gangrene. Sued Because Classmates Weren't Really Looking For Him Sued Because Classmates Weren't Really Looking For Him

Upon logging into his Gold Membership profile in order to view the classmate contacts … Plaintiff discovered that in fact, no former classmate of his had tried to contact him or view his profile,” the complaint reads. “Of those users who were characterized … as members who viewed Plaintiff’s profile, none were former classmates of Plaintiff or persons familiar with or known to Plaintiff for that matter.

Class Action Lawsuit: Victoria's Secret Bras Causing Skin Rashes?

Class Action Lawsuit: Victoria's Secret Bras Causing Skin Rashes?

Discover Magazine has an interesting blog post about some consumers who were complaining that Victoria’s Secret bras were giving them painful rashes. When their lawyers bought similar bras and had them tested — they were found to contain formaldehyde.

Shopper Takes Walmart To Court Over $2 And Wins $100

Shopper Takes Walmart To Court Over $2 And Wins $100

The Pennsylvania woman who makes a hobby out of taking retailers to court over pricing errors has struck again. This time Walmart was ordered to pay Mary Bach $100 for repeatedly failing to correct a $2 error.


The attorney who won a verdict against Sprint in California has filed a $1.2 billion class action lawsuit, claiming that early termination fees are not legal. [Information Week]