

Vonage has settled a class action lawsuit over its flaky fax service, but participants can only expect to see between $4-19 repayment. You have until March 2, 2009 to file a claim or an objection. [Bustos Fax Settlement] (Thanks to Klay!)

Claim Your Share ($78) Of The Bank Of America Overdraft Settlement

Claim Your Share ($78) Of The Bank Of America Overdraft Settlement

Bank of America has settled a class action lawsuit over its dirty overdraft tricks—things like approving transactions that generate overdraft fees, for example, or clearing transactions in high-to-low order to increase the number of overdrafts. If you’re a former customer of BoA, Fleet, LaSalle Bank or United Trust Company, you can claim your part of the settlement fund.

Desperate Debtor Cuts Off Finger In Court

Desperate Debtor Cuts Off Finger In Court

A Lisbon man cut off his finger in the middle of court after a judge refused his offer to settle his 170,000 euro ($219,436) debt. “My intention was to tear up all the case papers and splatter them with blood so I could prevent the expropriation order for my land,” said Orico Silva…

Old Man Sues Ripoff Dealership, Wins $41,679+

Justice has finally been served to the senior citizen who was not only ripped off on his trade-in vehicle (which is, frankly, to be expected), the dealership also got him to hand over his ATM card and just straight up stole $2000 from his bank account.

Court Strikes Arbitration Clause In Case Against Nursing Home That Let Resident Freeze To Death

Court Strikes Arbitration Clause In Case Against Nursing Home That Let Resident Freeze To Death

A Michigan court has struck an arbitration clause in a wrongful death case against a nursing home that allegedly allowed one of its senile residents to wander outside and freeze to death.

Seven States Sue Over Health Worker "Conscience" Rule

Seven States Sue Over Health Worker "Conscience" Rule

Seven state attorneys general, Planned Parenthood, and the ACLU have sued to overturn the so-called “conscience” rule, which allows doctors, pharmacists, and other health care workers to refuse to perform procedures or dispense medication that conflicts with their beliefs.

Coke Sued Over VitaminWater Claims

Coke Sued Over VitaminWater Claims

The Center for Science in the Public Interest has announced a class-action lawsuit against Coca-Cola over its VitaminWater line, on the grounds that it makes deceptive claims about the nutritional benefits of its drinks.

FTC Sues Indiana Company For Failing To Honor Rebates

FTC Sues Indiana Company For Failing To Honor Rebates

The Federal Trade Commission has charged Wintergreen Systems, an Indiana-based electronics reseller owned by John Levy, with failing to honor mail-in-rebate offers for thousands of customers. The FTC’s conditions for settling the lawsuit require Levy and his company to “be barred from any involvement in the development, marketing, fulfillment, or funding of any rebate program.” There’s also a $330,000 judgment, which the company will not have to pay (more on that below). Both Wintergreen Systems and its parent company, Market Development Specialists (MDS), resold electronics through companies like Office Depot, PC Connection,, PCMall, and

Amazon Loses Challenge On NY State Sales Tax

Amazon Loses Challenge On NY State Sales Tax

A New York state Supreme Court justice threw out Amazon’s sales tax lawsuit earlier today, opening the way for New York to begin collecting sales taxes on Amazon purchases.

Pediatric Dentist Sues Parents Over Negative Yelp Review

Pediatric Dentist Sues Parents Over Negative Yelp Review

California dentist Yvonne Wong has sued two parents who complained in a review on Yelp that their child received mercury fillings and left Wong’s office feeling light-headed from laughing gas. Wong claims “it never occurred to her to contact the boy’s parents” before filing her libel suit, although the dentist clearly doesn’t have the best counsel. Her lawyer also tried to sue Yelp, apparently unaware that web sites publishing third-party content are protected under federal law.

Dell Settles With 34 States Over Anti-Consumer Practices

Dell Settles With 34 States Over Anti-Consumer Practices

A $3.35 million settlement has been reached with 34 states in the suit against Dell alleging deceptive practices like misleading consumers about financing terms, rebates, and warranties. The states are…

Get $90 Or $35 In The Sprint Early Termination Fee Settlement

Get $90 Or $35 In The Sprint Early Termination Fee Settlement

A proposed settlement has been reached in the class action lawsuit against Sprint over early termination fees (ETF). It seems to basically apply to anyone who has had a time-based contact with Sprint that had an etf clause it i.e. most Sprint wireless customers. You get $90 if you were charged an ETF and can provide proof, and $35 if you didn’t cancel a contract for fear of getting charged an ETF. You can file at, and get a more in-depth and explainer of the terms over at Top Class Actions.

Monster Cable Drops Suit Against Monster Mini Golf

Monster Cable Drops Suit Against Monster Mini Golf

Monster Cable has decided to stop pursuing a trademark infringement against Monster Mini Golf. Judging by the post-settlement letter Noel sent the MiniGolf people, it seems that after both parties kicked their lawyers out of the room and talk directly, they were able to come to an amicable solution. Monster Cable will stop opposing the MiniGolf trademark and will cover MonsterMini Golf’s attorney fees. Noel’s letter, inside:

JetBlue Passenger Forced To Cover Arabic Shirt Gets $240k From JetBlue, TSA Employees

JetBlue Passenger Forced To Cover Arabic Shirt Gets $240k From JetBlue, TSA Employees

In 2006, Raed Jaer, an Iraqi-born U.S. resident, was forced by TSA officials and JetBlue to cover his t-shirt—it read, “We Will Not Be Silent” in both Arabic and English—before he could board a flight. The airline and the two TSA officials (TSA was not named in the suit) settled out of court last week for $240,000, although JetBlue still denies they did anything wrong, and the TSA says they don’t “condone profiling in any way shape or form.” [More]


Monster Cable has agreed to drop a heavily mocked (by us, anyway) trademark lawsuit against Monster Mini Golf after a private phone call between the founders of the two companies. Great, now you won’t be able to tell if you’re playing mini golf or being gouged by a cable manufacturer. [] (Thanks to Trever!)

Gift Card Settlement Refunds Quarter Million Dollars In Inactivity Fees

Gift Card Settlement Refunds Quarter Million Dollars In Inactivity Fees

A Connecticut mall has to pay $259,000 in settlement fees to consumers who bought gift cards that had monthly inactivity fees.


Pepsi is suing an Atlanta distributor for distributing Mexican Pepsi, sweetened with cane sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup, in the U.S.

AirTran Removes Muslim Family From Flight, Refuses To Reseat After FBI Clears Them

AirTran Removes Muslim Family From Flight, Refuses To Reseat After FBI Clears Them

AirTran removed a Muslim family and their friend from their flight, had them questioned by the FBI, and then refused to re-seat or rebook them after they were cleared by the FBI.