
California Moves To Ban Teen Driver Cellphone Use

California Moves To Ban Teen Driver Cellphone Use

A bill banning drivers under 18 from using cellphones passed the California Assembly today. It doesn’t even allow hands-free device use. The Highway Patrol asked for, and got, the offense classified as a secondary infraction, which means you can’t get pulled over simply for breaking this law.


A new book, co-authored by Jeff Sovern, of the excellent Consumer Law & Privacy blog, called, “Selected Consumer Statutes,” provides 690 pages of statutes, regulations and reference materials regarding consumer law. $31 and free shipping at Amazon.

Will Spitzer's Proposed Child Protection Laws Work?

Will Spitzer's Proposed Child Protection Laws Work?

As we mentioned earlier, Elliot Spitzer, the governor of New York, seems a bit miffed about the whole lead recall thing. He’s issued a press release about some “initiatives” he’s taking in response to the recent recalls because he feels the CPSC doesn’t have enough power to deal with the problem.

There Is No Law Or Regulation That Says Airplanes Have To Have Working Toilets

There Is No Law Or Regulation That Says Airplanes Have To Have Working Toilets

“We have no rules regarding restrooms,” U.S. Department of Transportation spokesman Bill Mosley said, suggesting that the Environmental Protection Agency be asked.

New Law Requires Minnesota Retailers To Purge Personal Information After Two Days

New Law Requires Minnesota Retailers To Purge Personal Information After Two Days

Minnesota retailers will soon be required by law to purge PIN numbers and credit card information after 48 hours. The new law, the the Plastic Card Safety Act, takes effect on Wednesday; beginning next year, the act will empower banks to sue retailers whose data-retention practices lead to a security breach. From the Star-Tribune:

Massachusetts Makes Health Insurance Mandatory

Massachusetts Makes Health Insurance Mandatory

Massachusetts is “experimenting” with mandatory health insurance, according to the Dr. Judy Ann Bigby, the commonwealth’s secretary of Health and Human Services. Under a new law that went into effect July 1, Massachusetts citizens are required to obtain health insurance or face a penalty. NPR has an interview with Dr. Bigby where she explains the experimental nature of the project and its stated goals.

States Target Big Box Retail

States Target Big Box Retail

Maine Gov. John Baldacci last week signed into law a measure requiring developers of retail stores exceeding 75,000 square feet to conduct studies gauging the project’s impact on municipal services, the environment and local businesses. The proposed store can’t be approved if the studies find it is likely to cause a quantifiable, “undue adverse impact” on more than one of those fronts and is expected to have a harmful effect on the community overall.

NYC Restaurant Group Sues Over Nutritional Info Regulation

NYC Restaurant Group Sues Over Nutritional Info Regulation

A NY restaurant trade group is asking a court to outlaw a New York City Heath Board regulation that will require primarily large chain restaurants and fast food outlets, such as McDonald’s and Burger King (who have standard menus,) to display the calorie count of their menu items on the menu.

Is It Legal For Debt Collectors To Leave A Message?

Is It Legal For Debt Collectors To Leave A Message?

An interesting question was brought up over at the Consumer Law & Policy blog yesterday. There is a legal gray area when it comes to debt collectors and voice mail or answering machines. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act was enacted in 1977, when answering machines were not in common use. According to Jeff Sovern, debt collectors reach a legal dilemma when faced with such a device.

Home Depot Caught Refusing To Issue "Rain Checks"

Home Depot Caught Refusing To Issue "Rain Checks"

A Home Depot store has been fined $1500 for refusing to issue rain checks for items that were advertised on sale, but were not available for purchase. Many communities have regulations that state that if an item is advertised as being on sale without mentioning a specific limited quantity, the retailer has a legal obligation to issue a rain check that will allow the customer to purchase the item later for the sale price.

What Is "Lemon Law?"

What Is "Lemon Law?"

Did you know that if something you own is defective and you get it repaired three times for the same problem, you may be entitled to a free replacement under “lemon law?”

Should "Attempted Copyright Infringement" Be A Criminal Offense?

Should "Attempted Copyright Infringement" Be A Criminal Offense?

Our good friends Howard Berman and Lamar Smith, (you’ll remember them as the ones who took lots and lots of money from the RIAA as well as the friends and families of various record company and entertainment executives) are all for it, according to CNET:

We are reviewing (the attorney general’s) proposal. Any plan to stop IP theft will benefit the economy and the American worker,” said Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, who’s the top Republican on the House Judiciary committee. “I applaud the attorney general for recognizing the need to protect intellectual property.”

Berman’s office said they couldn’t comment because they were busy drafting their own version of the legislation.

Washington State Bans Texting While Driving

Washington State Bans Texting While Driving

Starting in January 2008, it will be illegal to text while driving in Washington State. The measure signed into law by Governor Chris Gregoire also bans talking on a cellphone without a hands-free device while driving. Violators will be punished with a fine, but only if first pulled over for another reason.

Under the new laws, drivers who read and compose text messages or talk on a cell phone without a hands-free device could face a $101 ticket. The text-messaging ban takes effect Jan. 1; the cell-phone law will be enforced starting in July 2008.

Drivers will be exempt in “some situations, including emergencies.” — CAREY GREENBERG-BERGER

3 Bank Laws You Need To Know

3 Bank Laws You Need To Know

My Mint has three important banking regulations every banking customer should know about.

FCC Chairman Supports a la Carte Cable, Needs Congressional Support

FCC Chairman Supports a la Carte Cable, Needs Congressional Support

The FCC official said Martin testified that an a la carte law was justified because nominal cable rates kept rising and because consumers who tend to watch 15-17 channels still need to buy dozens of channels they don’t want in order to see their favorites.

Drug Safety Bill Would Limit Direct To Consumer Advertising

Drug Safety Bill Would Limit Direct To Consumer Advertising

Supporters of a new bill working its way through Congress say that limiting the amount of direct to consumer advertising in the first two years of a drug’s life would help insure that drugs are safe before patients are encouraged to seek prescriptions from their doctors.

New York Has Crazy Wine Retailing Laws

New York Has Crazy Wine Retailing Laws

Yes, it’s time for another edition of “New York’s crazy wine retailing laws!”

The Conversion to Digital Television Is Going To Be Unpleasant

The Conversion to Digital Television Is Going To Be Unpleasant

Congress has ordered broadcasters to shut off old-style analog TV broadcasts by Feb. 17, 2009, and replace them with sharper digital ones. When that happens, millions of households with pre-digital TVs that rely on antennas will need to have purchased and installed digital converter boxes that will cost a minimum of $60 each.