The last thing you want to experience while lounging in your big, comfy recliner is electric shock. Yet, that’s apparently a possibility for a few thousand La-Z-Boy recliners now being recalled. [More]

La-Z-Boy Recalls 2,600 Recliners Because The Goal Is To Lean Back, Not Tip Forward
Along with the ease and comfort of a lazing person implied in the La-Z-Boy name comes the expectation that such relaxation will come in the form of reclining backward, and not tipping forward out of one’s seat. That’s why the company is recalling 2,600 recliners after reports from some dealers of tippy furniture that could cause someone to fall and potentially get hurt. [More]

La-Z-Boy: Don’t Clean Your Leather Chair With That Leather Chair Cleaning Kit We Gave You
When Stephen bought a pricey La-Z-Boy recliner, the salesperson handed him a leather care kit along with the warranty information. When the color of the chair arms began to fade, he tried using that kit, which removed the leather’s color entirely. When he contacted La-Z-Boy, he learned that the kit was more useful for wrecking leather than caring for it, and that he never should have used it in the first place. When he tried to make a warranty claim for the fading color on his chair’s arms, La-Z-Boy blamed the OP, telling him that he lost any chance at a warranty claim by putting his hands on the arms of his recliner. What? [More]
La-Z-Boy Inc posted a loss this quarter and said it wouldn’t meet its fiscal 2008 outlook, citing a depressed housing market and the fact that nobody is buying their chairs. [Reuters]