Microsoft is dipping into its vault of marketing cash and heading off on a nearly $1 billion shopping spree to promote its two upcoming technical epiphanies, the hands-free Xbox 360 Kinect controller and the iDroidBerry challenger Windows Phone 7. [More]
Sony Explains How Its Motion Controls Are Better Than Rivals'
Kotaku snapped this shot from Sony’s holiday catalog, which offers a compare-and-contrast feature chart that proclaims its upcoming Move motion controller — due out in September — is profoundly superior to Microsoft’s Kinect and Wii’s controllers. [More]
New Xbox Thingy Will Cost $150, Better Xbox $200
The Kinect, a sensor thingy for Xbox that was not received favorably at E3, will apparently cost $150, or $300 if you buy in a bundle with a newish-betterish-Xbox 360. [More]
Burger King All Set For Another Round Of Creepy Xbox 360 Games
Back when the Xbox 360 was just a little baby, Burger King released a slew of $4 video games featuring the off-putting King character that weren’t nearly as bad as you thought they’d be. [More]
Everyone But Microsoft Says Xbox Motion Controller Will Cost $150
Microsoft is staying mum on the price of Kinect, its motion and voice controller due out in November, saying it’s evaluating options. [More]