
Minimizing the Cost of Raising Kids

Minimizing the Cost of Raising Kids

The choice to have a child is usually not a financially-focused decision. And we’re not so crass to suggest that it should be a dominant factor. But the cost of raising a child properly should at least be one of the factors that couples consider before they take the plunge into parenthood. Why? Because raising kids is a very expensive undertaking.

Make Your Own Sports Drink

Make Your Own Sports Drink

Why waste money on Gatorade when you can brew an equally effective sports drink from sugar, lemon juice, salt and orange juice? Hit the jump for the simple, inexpensive recipe.

Want To Raise A Kid? You'll Need $300k

Want To Raise A Kid? You'll Need $300k

The new government estimates are out on child rearing, and now “a middle-income family can expect to spend $291,570 including inflation to raise a child born in 2008 to adulthood” (not including childbirth or college), reports Reuters. In today’s dollars, it works out to between $11,000 and $13,000 annually. If you’re planning on having a family in the future, here’s another incentive to get your financial house in order first—take control of your debts and spending, learn how to budget, and start saving. You’re going to need it, unless you can score a reality show on basic cable.

Mom Drags Kid Through Verizon Store On Leash

Mom Drags Kid Through Verizon Store On Leash

Dear kid of abusive mom: yes, this is what it feels like for us when we deal with cell phone retailers, too. At least your mom was arrested. Video below.

Parents May Not Skimp As Much On School Supplies This Year — But They'll Still Skimp

Parents May Not Skimp As Much On School Supplies This Year — But They'll Still Skimp

Eiither the economy is improving somewhat or more parents are sacrificing to get their kids geared up for school this year, a survey by Deloitte & Touche LLP says.


Here are 10 kids’ food items that are not very healthy, including Goldfish Crackers, Fruit By The Foot, and Sunny Delight. [Time]

Walmart Doesn't Want 7-Year-Old's Birthday Money

Walmart Doesn't Want 7-Year-Old's Birthday Money

The parents of a seven-year-old took him to Walmart this weekend to spend his saved birthday and allowance money on a pretty awesome looking swimming pool & slide combo. They’d checked online first to make sure the item was in stock—and Walmart said it was, at three different locations in fact.


You mean I don’t need a $900 stroller? Perhaps this is a sign that perhaps the recession is dragging everyone back to something approaching reality. Even affluent American parents are buying secondhand items or using hand-me-downs for their children. [New York Times]


That end-of-the-school-year DVD may have been homemade by the teacher, but that doesn’t mean it can’t pack an accidental porno cherrybomb. An elementary school teacher in Sacramento mistakenly included 6 seconds of a “home movie” in a compilation she sent home to students. Click through to the article for an awesome photo illustration of how adults think kids react to gross-out grownup stuff. [SFGate] (Thanks to Paul!) (Photo: Adactio)

Credit Card Companies Return To Soliciting Children, Household Pets For Cards

Credit Card Companies Return To Soliciting Children, Household Pets For Cards

I’m pleased to announce that the credit crunch is officially over. I’m basing this on a credit card solicitation sent to a Mr. Lazarus H. of Iowa. Lazarus, pictured at left, is seven years old.

Health Insurance Kids Stick It To Special Needs Kids And Their Parents

Health Insurance Kids Stick It To Special Needs Kids And Their Parents

An InjuryBoard blog shines a light on one of the more nefarious practices of the ugly health insurance industry — the tendency of insurance companies to deny needed treatment to kids with special needs:

Frontier's Computer System Lands Unaccompanied Minor In Security Room For An Hour

Frontier's Computer System Lands Unaccompanied Minor In Security Room For An Hour

Ok, here’s a crazy idea: if you’re an airline, and you have a form with room to list two adults who are authorized to pick up an unaccompanied minor, wouldn’t it make sense to have room for both names in your computer system? Because whoever is running Frontier Airline’s system doesn’t seem to think so! Kayla’s mother spent a frantic hour, IDs in hand, trying to prove that she was authorized to meet her 13-year-old daughter at the gate. The form accompanying her daughter clearly had both her and Kayla’s father listed, but the computer listed only the father’s name. While Frontier sorted out the confusion, Kayla spent an hour waiting in Denver Airport’s security room.

Four Financial Tools All New Parents Need

Four Financial Tools All New Parents Need

The baby’s on the way! You’ve got a crib, toys, and a rapidly approaching delivery date. So what else you do need? Kiplinger shares the four must-have financial tools that no new parent should go without…

Sam's Club Apologizes For Candy-In-Prescription-Bottles Promo

Sam's Club Apologizes For Candy-In-Prescription-Bottles Promo

We have also shared with all of our pharmacy departments that this is an unacceptable practice and should not be repeated. At Sam’s Club we always have the health and welfare of our customers and members in mind with everything we do and we deeply regret that this incident occurred.

Sams Club Giving Kids Candy In Pill Bottles

Sams Club Giving Kids Candy In Pill Bottles

The Sam’s Club in Salisbury, Maryland, is promoting its pharmacy by handing out pill bottles filled with candy to kids. I guess that’s better than filling Dots boxes with Vicodin. Or handing out gallon-sized jugs of Nerds. Update: Sam’s Club has ended the promotion and apologized for it.

Nick And Nick Jr. Magazines Fold; Subscribers To Receive Refunds

Nick And Nick Jr. Magazines Fold; Subscribers To Receive Refunds

Earlier this month, Nick and Nick Jr. magazines announced that they’re shutting down. Reports vary—either they will continue publishing until the end of the year, or there will be one big final issue in August.

Pixar Arranges Home Screening Of "Up" For Dying 10-Year-Old

Pixar Arranges Home Screening Of "Up" For Dying 10-Year-Old

We know, that headline just oozes treacle. But it’s for real! The family friend of a dying child cold-called Pixar’s offices and guessed her way through the phone tree to a live person, then pleaded her case: the child desperately wanted to see Up, but was possibly days away from death and too sick to travel or sit in a movie theater. The next day, a Pixar employee arrived with a DVD of the movie and sat with the family while they watched it. Sometimes people can be really decent to each other.

Target Is Somewhat Liberal When It Comes To "Kids" Programming

Target Is Somewhat Liberal When It Comes To "Kids" Programming

Hey, where was Target back in the day when our parents were looking for a babysitter? The one we had wouldn’t let us watch anything cool. Certainly not anything with a huge “CENSORED” sticker on the front of it.