
This Is How Bad It Is: Part-Time Receptionist Help Wanted Gets 3520 Resumes In Under 24 Hours

This Is How Bad It Is: Part-Time Receptionist Help Wanted Gets 3520 Resumes In Under 24 Hours

A Consumerist reader and property manager in Virginia posted a notice for a part-time evening receptionist, and in response to the 12-hour a week job, she got 3520 emails. Roberta writes, “The attached picture was my email in-box this morning, with 0 spam emails and 0 non-Craigslist emails. 3520 (and climbing as we speak)…” Perhaps this can become a new metric to gauge how bad the employment situation is, how many resumes a 12-hour receptionist-job posting on Craigslist receives in a 24-hour period.


Here are 9 companies that have never had a layoff. Will they be able to maintain the streak? And perhaps more importantly, are they hiring? [Fortune] (Thanks to harisn)

Put Quantifiable Successes On Your Resume

Put Quantifiable Successes On Your Resume

If you’re looking for a job these days, you know how tough it can be to separate yourself from the pack. One key is being sure your resume is as good as it can be — that it sells your skills in full force to make you stand out. But US News says that there are five resume mistakes that most job hunters are making, mistakes that are killing their chances of making it to the next step (getting an interview). Of those five, we think this one is the most egregious: your résumé has no numbers, as in, measurable accomplishments…


Need work? The Census is hiring and they pay around $20 per hour. [U.S. Census Bureau]

Prepare For A Budget Meltdown By Conducting A Financial Fire Drill

You’re fired! Now what? It’s the nightmare scenario, and you can prepare for it by conducting a financial drill. Take a moment and pretend you have no income. Ask how you would pay pay for rent and food, and what lifestyle changes you could make on two week’s notice. To guide your planning, the New York Times has a few unorthodox and downright scary suggestions that are worth considering in a worst case scenario.

Fired? Suck Up To Your Enemies

Fired? Suck Up To Your Enemies

Here’s a cheeky guide for sorta-lazy people to survive being laid-off. Number one: Kiss the ass of ex-coworkers you hate.

How Many Jobs Did We Lose In 2008? As Many As If We'd Fired The Entire State of Wisconsin

How Many Jobs Did We Lose In 2008? As Many As If We'd Fired The Entire State of Wisconsin

The numbers are in and we lost 2.6 million jobs in 2008, making it the worst year since 1945. How do you picture 2.6 million jobs? Well, by looking at Wisconsin. Or Missouri. Or Maryland.

Mathematicians Have The Best Job In America

Mathematicians Have The Best Job In America

The Wall Street Journal covers a new study that determines the best and worst jobs in America using five criteria: environment, income, employment outlook, physical demands and stress. When all was said and done, all the data weighed and all the experts consulted, one occupation stood head and shoulders above the rest: mathematician. Yep, you read that correctly. Here’s why it took the top spot:

Inspiration: Go From Unemployed To Entrepreneur

Inspiration: Go From Unemployed To Entrepreneur

One thing I’ve certainly learned is that great ideas really do need to start somewhere. If I don’t pull the trigger and take some fliers based on nothing but faith in my own ability, great dreams won’t ever be realized

13 Companies That Are Hiring This Year

13 Companies That Are Hiring This Year

You know the economy is bad when 7-Eleven’s hiring plans are national news.

Pizza Time Manager Fires Employee Who Complained About Subfreezing Work Conditions

Pizza Time Manager Fires Employee Who Complained About Subfreezing Work Conditions

Well that was quick: the Pizza Time employee who told reporters that the store’s manager had shut off the heat and was making them work in a subfreezing store, was fired. This guy really is a terrible boss.

Like To Wear A Suit And Sunglasses? FBI Hiring 2950 New People

Like To Wear A Suit And Sunglasses? FBI Hiring 2950 New People

In its largest ever hiring spree since 9/11, the FBI is hiring 850 new special agents and 2,100 professional support personnel. Maybe they’ll catch all those shady mortgage crooksters before they Jenga the system! Oh wait, too late. Next time there’s a sub-prime meltdown, though, we’ll be ready! [] [CNN]

Pizza Time Owner Cuts Off Heat, Tells Employees To Work In Subfreezing Temperatures Or Quit

Pizza Time Owner Cuts Off Heat, Tells Employees To Work In Subfreezing Temperatures Or Quit

The owner of a Pizza Time in Washington state has cut off the heat at his store after an employee forgot to turn the heat off one night, and is threatening to suspend employees who complain. The manager (the owner’s wife) has a space heater in her office.

Easy Guide To California Unemployment Benefits

Easy Guide To California Unemployment Benefits

In California? Unemployed? The Screen Actors Guild guide to California Unemployment benefits is easier to use than CA’s hard to navigate unemployment site, and the advice is general enough to work even for non-thespians. [SAG]

America's 10 Fastest Dying Towns

America's 10 Fastest Dying Towns

Here’s a bleak list from Forbes — America’s 10 Fastest-Dying Towns. Many of the towns have something in common — manufacturing jobs moving overseas or to cheaper, more rural, areas.

Prod Unemployment Office To Action With Your Local State Rep

Prod Unemployment Office To Action With Your Local State Rep

Aaron has gotten a busy signal from the Pennsylvania unemployment office call center for a month. He started filing his claim online, which was fine, until he started getting automated emails saying there were problems with the online system, and instructed him to call the toll-free call center number. That’s right, the one that’s a constant busy signal. So, he got in touch with his local state representative, and got results!

8 Signs That Job You Found Online Is A Scam

8 Signs That Job You Found Online Is A Scam

Everyone’s looking to pick up some extra cash these days but be wary of online job postings as many are outright scams. Here’s 8 warning signs to look out for:

How To Get A Raise When Times Are Tough

How To Get A Raise When Times Are Tough

We’ve offered our suggestions for what to do in these uncertain financial times, but many of those ideas focused on hunkering down and riding out the storm. But what if you want to do more than that? How can you thrive in spite of the economy?