

Economy Hemorrhaging Jobs. The nation’s unemployment rate climbed above 8 percent last month and the economy shed 651,000 jobs, says the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It’s the highest rate in 25 years, with 12.5 million unemployed. [WaPo]

Hey, Look On The Bright Side!

Hey, Look On The Bright Side!

Anyone had enough bad news lately about the economy? Layoffs, the stock market diving, bailouts, government debt, the housing crisis — all of it can add up to some pretty somber feelings. And the fact that it’s been going on for awhile now can drag anyone down. We’re not going totally Pollyanna on you, but we do share the sentiments of the Wall Street Journal that maybe we should stop complaining and be a bit thankful. Turns out that doing so could put you in the middle of a growing trend:

10 Ways To Ruin A Job Interview

10 Ways To Ruin A Job Interview

The Savvy Networker has 10 ways to ruin a job interview. Most of these are kind of obvious but maybe by reading it you can catch yourself if you start to do any of them without thinking about it. Also, it’s kind of fun to imagine someone doing them, like #10: Doing anything disgusting: “One candidate asked me for a cup of water, took a sip, swished it around in his mouth, and spat into a potted plant.”

Freelance Assistant Editor App Deadline 10pm Tonight

Freelance Assistant Editor App Deadline 10pm Tonight

Last reminder: You’ve got until 10pm (eastern) tonight to get in your apps for the Freelance Assistant Editor position. Job notice inside:


Reminder: If you’re applying for The Consumerist Freelance Assistant Editor position, your application, including 500-word essay, is due next Wednesday, February 25.

NYC Mayor Wants To Spend $45 Million Retraining Investment Bankers

NYC Mayor Wants To Spend $45 Million Retraining Investment Bankers

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants to spend $45 million in government money retraining investment bankers, brokers and others who have lost jobs on Wall Street, says the New York Times.

JetBlue Will Refund Your Ticket If You Get Laid Off Or Fired

JetBlue Will Refund Your Ticket If You Get Laid Off Or Fired

Afraid you might get laid off? Too worried to book plane tickets? JetBlue thinks you are. They’ve launched a program that guarantees a full refund to those of you who get laid off at least two weeks before you fly.

10 Tax Deductions For Freelancers

10 Tax Deductions For Freelancers

Freelance Switch has 10 deductions freelancers can take. For instance, if you have a cellphone as a second line and primarily use it for business, deduct it. Work from home? There’s the complex but worth it home-office deduction. The “research” category is very useful, especially for journalists and writers. Just about any piece of entertainment can go in there. Hey, you got to keep in touch with the zeitgeist, right?’

Freelance Assistant Editor Wanted

Freelance Assistant Editor Wanted

Consumerist is looking for a freelance Assistant Editor 5-10 hours/week to process our tipline, time of day is flexible, responding to readers and notifying the writing team of post-worthy stories. The ideal candidate is a self-starter with the discipline to work remotely, possessing excellent writing skills, a thorough understanding of Consumerist’s style, ethos, and editorial direction, and a passion for consumer blogging. This six-month position, which can translate into posting opportunities, offers a very small stipend. Email your resume and a 500+ word essay to on the following: Are consumers winning or losing the battle for better customer service? Support your thesis with stories and techniques from The Consumerist archive. Deadline: Feb 25.

Four Unexpected Situations Where Bad Credit Hurts

Four Unexpected Situations Where Bad Credit Hurts

If you aren’t planning on getting a big loan in the next couple of years, you probably shouldn’t be worried about your credit score right? Wrong.

Talk To A Friend Who's Been Laid Off

Talk To A Friend Who's Been Laid Off

In case you haven’t noticed, we’re in the midst of an economic slump where it seems like thousands of jobs are being lost every day. Ok, maybe that’s because thousands of jobs are being lost every day. This brings up an issue that more and more of us will be facing in the future: how should you talk to a close friend or relative that loses his job? Career blogger Penelope Trunk suggests the following seven steps:

Here's A Shock: Fewer People Are Quitting Their Jobs

Here's A Shock: Fewer People Are Quitting Their Jobs

NPR’s Planet Money blog alerts us to the existence of a statistic called the “quits” rate — which, you guessed it, monitors how many people are quitting their jobs. You’ll be shocked to hear that for months the quits rate has been at the lowest point since the Bureau of Labor Statistics started tracking it.

Intern For Consumers Union

Intern For Consumers Union

Apply now for a great summer internship with Consumers Union, publishers of Consumerist and Consumer Reports. Consumer journalism couldn’t be more important or relevant than a time like this. Now is the time to get involved. Openings are available for editorial, general intern work, advocacy, and engineering (technical division).

Pre-Loaded Benefit Cards Nickle And Dime Unemployed

Pre-Loaded Benefit Cards Nickle And Dime Unemployed

Pennysylvania’s unemployed are getting nickled-and-dimed by pre-loaded unemployment benefit debit cards that come come pre-loaded with hidden fees.


Nissan will cut 20,000 jobs as US sales plunged 31%. “Our worst assumptions on the state of the global economy have been met or exceeded,” said Chief Executive Officer Carlos Ghosn. [Bloomberg]


626,000 people filed for unemployment benefits last week. The number of people on unemployment rose to 4.8 million, the highest since records started being kept. [AP]

The Mess DHL Left Behind When It Pulled Out Of The US

The Mess DHL Left Behind When It Pulled Out Of The US

When DHL ended domestic shipping and laid off 9,500 people back in November, 60 Minutes says it was losing $6 million a day. Now the people of Wilmington, Ohio are cleaning up the mess that DHL left and are wondering what’s next.


Need work? The New Museum in New York is looking to pay $10 per hour to women aged 18-40 who are willing to spend six hours sleeping as part of an exhibit. [WDSU]