
Shrink Ray Hits JCPenney Clothing Now, Too?

Shrink Ray Hits JCPenney Clothing Now, Too?

Kyle just wrote to us that the 36″ sleeve on a Large Tall sweatshirt from JCPenney has been reduced to 35″. It’s not just a manufacturing accident, because the new length is printed in the retailer’s sizing charts. But Kyle says for years he’s had no problem with JCPenney shirts, and that this all started happening within the past year or so. [More]

Up-To-The-Minute Coupon Codes For Hot Sales

Up-To-The-Minute Coupon Codes For Hot Sales

The deal aficionados on the FatWallet message boards have various discussion threads devoted to providing the most current coupons for a slew of stores. Rather then dig for them, here’s a master list of their official store coupons and clearance threads. Members routinely get rid of dead coupons and post new ones, so this is definitely one to bookmark: [More]

JCPenney Tries Out Mobile Coupons In Houston Stores

JCPenney Tries Out Mobile Coupons In Houston Stores

If you live in the Houston area, you can now use your mobile phone to redeem coupons for JCPenney through a trial-partnership with Cellfire. You have to register with Cellfire in order to receive the promos via SMS or email, and if you register today you’ll receive a mysterious “$10 in$tant gift” [sic].

This JCPenney Coupon Doesn't Understand The Term "No Exclusions"

This JCPenney Coupon Doesn't Understand The Term "No Exclusions"

Hey, JCPenney, an asterisk isn’t a get-out-of-jail-free card. You can’t just say anything you want and then asterisk it away into meaninglessness. Here, we’ve fixed it for you.

Latest ACSI Survey Is Out: You Really Like Dollar General

Latest ACSI Survey Is Out: You Really Like Dollar General

The American Customer Satisfaction Index has released its latest scores of retail businesses, so we thought we’d take a look at the department store rankings by constructing a handy graph. When it comes to customer satisfaction, apparently Dollar General is doing something right—and Wal-Mart, as usual, is doing lots of things wrong.



How Do You Prove You’re Not Dead?

Continuing our foray into the consumer macabre, a reader complains about being dead.