Whenever Brian drives his Dodge Charger in the rain, all of the dash lights flash and has trouble restarting his car. He’s taken the car to the dealership multiple times, but they say they’re never able to recreate the problem. Above are two screencaps of the video he took last time this occurred. He’s now taken to writing a letter to Chrysler CEO Big Bob Nardelli, which is most likely a futile effort. You might instead email Cerberus, the company that now owns Chrysler’s ass. Maybe the dealership will find it’s able to recreate the flashing signals if Brian rides along the next time they test the car. Maybe call the Car Talk radio show. Inside, a video of this bizzare phenom in action, and his letter to the CEO.

Royal Farms Gas Pump Charges You Even After The Gas Stops Flowing
Royal Farms refuses to fix a broken gas pump that charges customers even after the gas stops flowing. The pump in Abingdon, Maryland has overcharged Tom on five separate occasions, and Royal Farms refuses to issue a promised refund.

7 Things To Regularly Check On Your Car To Save Money
They say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and the adage applies very well to keeping your car running right. Here’s 7 common sense things you need to be checking on your car on a regular basis to save yourself a lot of money in the long run. We found the tips in the summer 2007 issue of our USAA member magazine. They’re all pretty obvious, which is why you’ll be smacking yourself in the head if you don’t do them, so read up and make sure you’re on schedule.

Top 12 Most Gas Saving Cars
Consumer Reports tested some new compacts and a sporty car and found twelve cars with the most fuel efficiency. Some of them even bring in numbers close to what the best hybrids can offer.

The 6 MPH Crash That Costs $8,000 To Repair
Minivan bumpers may not protect much, but they sure do cost a lot to repair, according to the Insurance Institute For Highway Safety. The IIHS smashed six minivans to test their bumpers and found that all racked up repair bills exceeding $5,000. The Nissan Quest was singled out as a “miserable failure,” costing $8,000 to patch-up.

You Can't Buy A Car Without Agreeing To Arbitration
Having failed at VW dealership, a Mother Jones reporter continued her journey to buy a car without signing an arbitration. She tried half a dozen dealerships over a month, and none of them would let her buy a car without signing an agreement waiving her right to sue. Finally, she found the car she wanted from a guy who was selling it on his own, but then the loan document from her bank contained a huge arbitration clause.

Reader Falls Victim To Spot Delivery Dealership Scam
Andriy writes:
It seems as I’m falling a victim to a Yo-Yo Car Financing | Spot Delivery Scam from a car dealer…
12 Least Satisfying Cars Of 2007
Here are the 12 cars drivers enjoy owning the least, according to a Consumer Reports survey of its readers, which asked, “Considering all factors…would you get this car if you had to do it all over again?
Congress Strikes Deal To Match China's Fuel Efficiency Standards By 2020
Congress will require American automakers to achieve fleet-wide fuel efficiency of 35 miles per gallon by 2020. The deal struck late last night by Congressional negotiators and hailed as “an historic advancement,” would put America on the slow track towards meeting the same efficiency standards that Europe, China, and most of the developed world already enjoy.

10 Things To Never Say To A Car Dealer
ForbesAutos has ten things you should never say to a car dealer, unless you feel like beefing up his kid’s college fund. Hit the link to find out their rationale. The basic premise is hide your assets and weaknesses until the right moment, to not say stupid crap, and watch out for the little maneuvers that hand over control to the salesman.

1/3 Of South Florida Gas Pumps Failed State Accuracy Tests
More than a third South Florida’s gas station pumps have failed the state’s accuracy test in the past three years. An analysis of state inspections reveals that slightly more than half of the broken pumps err in favor of the consumer. The state inspects all pumps every 12-18 months.
The Sun-Sentinel analyzed state inspection reports from 2004 to 2006. The analysis found 580 of more than 2,500 stations in South Florida had at least one pump dispensing more gas than customers paid to purchase, while 477 provided less fuel than they should.

25 Safest Cars Of 2007
These are the 25 cars you’re least likely to die in, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety’s Top Safety Picks 2007. They do front and side crashes at high speeds. They see how much of a crick in the neck you get after being hit in the rear. One thing that stands out is that cars with optional electronic stability control are getting good grades.

Top 10 Most Fuel Efficient Cars
Here’s the top 10 most fuel efficient cars, according to the 2008 Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy’s fuel economy guidebook, published this Saturday. Prius tops the charts.

10 Ways To Boost Your MPG
ForbesAutos interviewed Wayne Gerdes, a “hypermiler” who can squeeze 84 miles per gallon out of a regular Ford Ranger pickup truck, or 180.1 mpg from a hybrid electric Honda Insight. Here are 10 of his techniques for achieving startling fuel economy:

13 Step Method For Buying A Car While Controlling The Sale And The Price
Commenter Keter posted a completely kick-ass 13 step guide to buying a car while maintaining total and absolute control over the sales process. It was so good we’re lifting it and posting it to the front page.

KEELOQ Maker Says Remote Car Entry Devices Not Hacked, Rebutting Researchers
Last week, researchers announced they had devised a way to steal cars by breaking the encryption used to encode the signals sent by keyless remote car entry devices using KEELOQ technology.

Researchers Hack Remote Keyless Car Entry Devices
Researchers have figured out a way to hack remote keyless car entry devices. The threat to the consumer is minimal, it takes several hours to crack the code, but it does give one pause, especially considering that if the Keeloq’s manufacturer added a few simple measures they could render the exploit nearly useless.

How To Kick A Scammy Car Dealer In The Nuts
While we spend a lot of time on this site talking about the importance of writing a good complaint letter, of finding the executive contact info, and cc’ing letters to appropriate regulatory bodies, sometimes the best way to win is to stop playing Mr. Nice Guy and start playing hardball. Demonstrate, in no uncertain terms, just how much more costly it would be for the business to ignore your complaint than to resolve it. That’s the lesson learned from, Unscrewed: The Consumer’s Guide To Getting What You Paid For.