Following the Securities and Exchange Commission’s decision earlier this week to file fraud charges against current and former executives with ITT Education Services – the operator of for-profit college chain ITT Technical Institute – for their part in concealing problems with company-run student loan programs, one legislator is calling on the Department of Education to further investigate the company. [More]
jackie speier

Legislator Demands Department Of Education Investigate For-Profit Chain ITT Technical Institute

Legislation Aims To Make It Harder For Kids To Snack On Yummy-Looking Detergent Pods
Federal safety agencies and poison control centers have continuously expressed concern that the ever-popular, and convenient detergent pods are extremely dangerous to children, with more than 17,000 kids being poisoned by ingesting the detergent since they came on the scene three years ago. Today, the House and Senate took steps to ensure the single-serve detergent packs no long threaten childrens’ safety by introducing legislation that would enact stricter packaging standards for liquid detergent. [More]

Lawmakers Call On Equifax To Prove That Scary-Huge Employment-Info Database Is Legal
Following recent reports on The Work Number, a mammoth employment-verification database operated by credit reporting agency Equifax, a group of seven U.S. Congresspersons have written the company’s CEO asking for more information about the legality of the service. [More]