Not even two months ago, we warned iPhone users that the new “WiFi Assist” feature in iOS9 could result in data overages if you weren’t careful. This tale of on San Francisco-area family shows just how bad it can be. [More]

Walgreens Customers Using Apple Pay Don’t Have To Swipe Their Rewards Cards Anymore
Walgreens shoppers using Apple Pay at the checkout will have a slightly quicker experience than other loyalty members, as the retailer becomes the first to integrate its rewards program with the mobile payment system. [More]

If You’re Using iOS9, Check This Setting To Make Sure You Don’t Blow Through Your Data Plan
Even if you’re not one of the reported 13 million folks who bought a brand-new iPhone 6S or 6S+ this weekend, you may want to go have a look in your phone’s settings. There’s a new feature in iOS9 that’s supposed to be convenient for consumers, but is causing overage problems and billing headaches for some users. [More]

Sprint Leasing iPhone 6S For $1/Month With iPhone 6 Trade-In
The day after T-Mobile tried to undercut all the competition by touting a $5/month lease for the iPhone 6S, Sprint is cutting even further, offering the new Apple phone for only a buck a month. [More]

Sprint Reserves The Right To Hike Your Rental Price In ‘iPhone Forever’ Plan
Sprint’s “iPhone Forever” plan sounds pretty simple: you pay a monthly fee, and have access to the latest model straight out of Cupertino whenever you want to upgrade. The “forever” part means that this plan is indefinite, and that the price of $22 per month ($15 if you trade in your old smartphone) is something that you get to keep as long as you belong to the plan, right? Well, no. [More]

Apple Might Finally Let iPhone Users Delete Some Of Those “Junk Drawer” Apps
If you own an iPhone, you probably have a folder somewhere on your device that says “Crap I Don’t Use” or “Why Can’t I Delete This, Darn It?” that holds all of the native apps that come preloaded onto Apple phones, but that can’t be deleted. That junk drawer might be a bit less full sometime in the future, as Apple’s CEO Tim Cook says the company may allow iPhone users to remove certain apps. [More]

Weigh Your Insurance Options Carefully Before Choosing Where To Buy The New iPhone
Back at the beginning, there used to be that there was only one way to get an iPhone: give AT&T at least $200 and sign a two-year contract. Now that the device is available from all major U.S. carriers and even some minor ones, and for sale worldwide, that gives consumers more options. More options means more possible confusion, though, especially with different ways to buy and insure the same product. [More]

T-Mobile Slashes iPhone 6S Price To $20/Month; Offers Lifetime Coverage Guarantee
At yesterday’s big reveal of the new — ooh, ahh — iPhone 6S, Apple estimated that the standard 24-month installment plan for one of these new phones would run around $27/month. Apple itself is launching a new offering at $32/month with the ability to upgrade every year. This morning, T-Mobile raised the big “give us a try” flag by saying it will sell the iPhone 6S for only $20/month. [More]

Apple Unveils iPhone 6S, iPad Pro, Apple Pen, New Apple TV
Come once again, Apple faithful and skeptics alike, to the Tim Cook Show starring Apple CEO Tim Cook & His Menagerie Of Shiny New Electronic Devices That You Will Want To Replace The Next Time He Holds One Of These Events. [More]

Hackers Swipe 225,000 Jailbroken iPhone Users’ Account Information
Jailbreaking your Apple device, or using illicitly obtained software to customize it in ways that Apple never intended and install unauthorized apps, is something that most users thought was against the rules but innocent, even if it does void your Apple warranty. Now Apple is facing a good news/bad news situation: a hack involving jailbroken iPhones validates their policies, but also means that the phrase “iPhone hack” is all over the news. [More]

Samsung Wants iPhone Users To Test Drive A Galaxy Smartphone For 30 Days
If you’re an iPhone user who’s been flirting with the idea of switching to an Android phone, it’s understandable that you might be resistant to change — it can take some getting used to when you switch from one operating system to another, in either direction. Samsung wants to take that uncertainty away for iPhone users with a new promo that allows those folks to test drive one of a few Galaxy smartphones for a month. [More]

iPhone Theft Victim Seeks To Locate Possible Thieves Using Selfies
A woman whose iPhone was stolen from her bag at an amusement park in Ohio wants to find the people who have her phone, and they’re helping her out with it. Not intentionally, of course. However, the phone is still attached to her cloud storage account, which means that the selfies they snap turn up on the woman’s other devices. [More]

Sprint Will Rent You An iPhone Forever For $22 Per Month, Totally Not A Contract
Do you itch to replace your iPhone as soon as a new one is announced? Do you only live and travel in areas where the Sprint network is acceptably strong? If so, Sprint’s new “iPhone Forever” plan may be for you: it allows you to upgrade your phone whenever you feel like it, as long as you choose a newer iPhone model than the one you had before. [More]

Apple Eliminates Its Online Store, Moves “Buy” Buttons To Product Pages
Before you start to panic at the headline, no, you will not have to physically go to an Apple store to get whatever gadgets your heart desires. Although Apple did remove its online store directory from its previous home of “,” you can still purchase products from the company on the web. It just looks a bit different now. [More]

Apple Music Is Worse Because You Can’t Delete It From Your iDevice
My friend Gretchen has a folder on her iPhone’s home screen called “Crapple.” It’s where she sticks all of the apps that Apple adds to her device that she doesn’t use. As Apple has forced apps for their smart watch, HealthKit, bookstore, a separate podcasts app, their own maps app, and now their streaming music store on users, all of these come with apps that you can’t get rid of. [More]

The Next iPhone Update Could Include A Photo Folder Just For Your Selfies
At first, nothing seems amiss. You’re scrolling calmly through the photos on your iPhone, looking for that particular duckface shot you took of yourself at that fancy bathroom on vacation last year, the one that makes you look more like Beyoncé than you could ever hope. But then the panic starts to creep in… where is it? Where did it go?! How can you post a throwback Thursday (#tbt) photo without it?!?! Relax, guys. Soon, you’ll likely never have to worry about where your favorite selfies are, because they’ll all be in the same place. [More]