
Even If You Manage To Unlock iPhone, It Will Only Work With T-Mobile

Even If You Manage To Unlock iPhone, It Will Only Work With T-Mobile

In case you’re wondering why Consumerist isn’t writing a bunch of posts on how to hack your iPhone to get it to work on “any network,” here is why:

No Greymarket For The iPhone

No Greymarket For The iPhone

The usual cast and crew of operation greymarket are out of luck with the iPhone, according to the Boston Globe. Unlike Nintendo and their still-scarce Wii, Apple appears to be meeting demand. From the Boston Globe:

David Flashner thought he had it wired: Buy two iPhones last Friday when they first went on sale, keep one, and sell the other at a profit so big it would pay for most of the first one.

Electronics Retailers Are Angry After iPhone Snub

Electronics Retailers Are Angry After iPhone Snub

“We sell elaborate home networks and people view their homes or their kids with the babysitter when they are out to dinner. Because of the iPhone’s large screen, it works fine with that application, and our customers want to put it on the network.”

Wait, you can watch your baby monitor on the iPhone? It’s a brave new world.

Now I Can Use My iPhone!

Anthony, who wasn’t able to use his new iPhone for over 48 hours when porting his AT&T number over, just got his problem solved! Hooray!

Apple: We'll Only Help You With Your iPhone After It's Too Late To Return It

Apple: We'll Only Help You With Your iPhone After It's Too Late To Return It

Darin’s iPhone was defective, so he tried to return it to the AT&T store where he purchased it. No dice. AT&T told him that Apple was responsible for the device. When Darin tried to exchange the phone with Apple, they told him he’d have to deal with AT&T for the first 14 days.

I Still Cannot Use My iPhone

I Still Cannot Use My iPhone

UPDATE: Now I Can Use My iPhone!

D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty Cut The iPhone Line

D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty Cut The iPhone Line

Did D.C. Mayor Adiran Fenty dispatch henchmen to retrieve an iPhone? An eagle-eyed tipster spotted a member of the Mayor’s coterie dashing into a double-parked SUV with three bags outside the AT&T store on 17th and Pennsylvania Avenue.

By this point, more than a few people are asking questions, and after a guy behind me yells out “fix the schools first,” the [Mayor’s staffer] gives him the finger and sneers, “there’s only 15 left.”

The full email, after the jump…

Philadelphia Mayor Gives Up iPhone Wait After Being Confronted With 200th Murder Statistic

Philadelphia Mayor Gives Up iPhone Wait After Being Confronted With 200th Murder Statistic

John Street, the iPhone loving mayor of Philadelphia, has giving up the wait after a guy with a mohawk asked him, “How can you sit here with 200 murders in the city already?” The Philadelphia Inquirer reported on its Web site.

How Not To Submit To iPhone Envy

How Not To Submit To iPhone Envy

We could be standing on line outside an Apple Store waiting to get our grubby little hands on an iPhone. We are not, and we’re ok with that. You too can resist the little charmer’s curves and siren song ringtone by remembering the iPhone’s imperfections:

Mayor of Philadelphia Camps Out For An iPhone

Mayor of Philadelphia Camps Out For An iPhone

NBC 10 in Philadelphia had some people camped out for an iPhone when what did they see? Wait, is that… the Mayor? It was:

Donning a white baseball hat and warmup suit — complete with an iPod strapped to his arm — a casual Philadelphia Mayor John Street patiently sat on a lawn chair on a South Philadelphia sidewalk, hoping to get his hands on the new Apple iPhone Friday morning.

Consumerist On Marketplace Talking About 6 Ways To Cancel Cellphone Contracts So You Can Get Yor iPhones

Consumerist On Marketplace Talking About 6 Ways To Cancel Cellphone Contracts So You Can Get Yor iPhones

Marketplace interviewed us about our 6 tips for canceling your cellphone so you can get an iPhone. We told people to die…


If you quantify the language experts used in their hands-on iPhone reviews you get a critical consensus of, “Buy the amazing device, if you can afford it,” writes Valleywag.

6 Ways To Cancel Any Cellphone So You Can Get An iPhone

6 Ways To Cancel Any Cellphone So You Can Get An iPhone

If you want to get an iPhone but you’re stuck in a contract, here’s six ways to escape your service plan without paying a $175 early termination fee:

iPhone Rate Plans Revealed

iPhone Rate Plans Revealed

Apple has posted the rate plans for the iPhone and a few reader questions have been answered.

The Onion Reveals iPhone's Hidden Features

The Onion Reveals iPhone's Hidden Features

The Onion skewers the iPhone’s “most highly anticipated features:”

AT&T Draws Wrath Of iPhone-Seeking Alaskans

AT&T Draws Wrath Of iPhone-Seeking Alaskans

AT&T will leave Alaskans eager for an iPhone out in the cold. The telecom provides services to the 48 contiguous states and Hawaii, but not Alaska. The free-minded state isn’t taking the slight lightly. The Anchorage Daily News has issued a call to committed adventurers: Go South, Young iPhone Seekers!

Buy a plane ticket to the nearest AT&T or Apple Store (at least $350 to Seattle) and misrepresent oneself as a Washington resident. Get ready to pay sales tax for the phone plus a yet-unknown amount for the service plan. Or find a friend in the Lower 48 to do the misrepresenting, in which case shipping runs $1.48 to $16.25.

How to keep AT&T’s nosy location-tracking network from disconnecting you after illicitly acquiring your precious, precious iPhone, after the jump…

$175 Fee If You Cancel iPhone, Even Though You Paid Full Price

$175 Fee If You Cancel iPhone, Even Though You Paid Full Price

You better frickin’ like your full-price iPhone because if you don’t, AT&T plans on charging you the full $175 early termination fee, even though the phone’s cost isn’t at all subsidized under a long-term-agreement.

Apple Uses Big-Handed Model To Shrink iPhone

Apple Uses Big-Handed Model To Shrink iPhone

Did the iPhone get smaller? Nope, the hand model got bigger.