Wow, that was impressive! In less than one hour after we posted about Dino’s dad’s lost iPhone, Consumerist readers were able to locate his Facebook and Hi5 accounts, track down his name and home address, and even get him to respond via email—something Dino and his dad weren’t able to do yesterday. Dino just wrote us and said “Michael Smith/Emerson” contacted him and promised to return the phone tomorrow.
Update: the phone has been returned!

Missing iPhone Mystery Solved By Consumerist Readers In 55 Minutes
UPDATED: "My iPhone Is Missing, And Some Guy Is Taking Pics Of Himself With It!"
UPDATE 2: the phone has been returned!

AT&T Employee Misleads Customer, And Now He's Trapped In A 2-Year Contract
A little over a month ago, Mark gave up on his GoPhone SIM, went into an AT&T store with his iPhone 2G in hand, and signed up for a new two year, post-paid plan. The sales rep promised Mark that his corporate discount would apply, and instead of a contract presented just a receipt. Now AT&T is saying there’s no corporate discount on an iPhone purchase—even though he didn’t buy an iPhone, just the service plan—and that he can’t cancel now without paying an ETF because it’s past the 30 day mark.
My iPhone Got Jacked At Gunpoint – Help!
Reader Dan says he was walking home last night and got robbed at gunpoint, losing his iPhone, which he only got five days ago, in the process. He asks, “Any tips from you or readers? Can it be tracked using the onboard gps? This STINKS!”

3 iPhone Class Action Lawsuits Filed In The Past Week
The number of people gunning for some Apple/AT&T cash keeps increasing, with three new class action lawsuits filed over the past 8 days alone. In all three suits, the primary complaint is the same: that AT&T Mobility’s 3G network isn’t robust enough to deliver the type of experience promised by iPhone marketing.

Panasonic Solves Gadget Problem Sent Through Generic Email Address!
Emailing a company about a product problem via their front-facing email address usually has about as much effect as wishing your way out of debt (just don’t tell the producers of The Secret). But Steve emailed Panasonic and instead of getting nothing or a generic response back, he actually ended up sending a series of emails back and forth with a product engineer who solved his consumer conundrum. Amazing! Here’s his story.

This iPhone Comes With A Blackberry User's Email Address, And A Mystery
No, we didn’t accidentally republish yesterday’s post. This is another story of a “new” iPhone with someone else’s email address, and this time there appears to be no simple explanation for it—the address on the phone belonged to a man who lived on the other side of the country and used a Blackberry.

This 'New' iPhone Comes With Russian Email Address
It’s bad enough that Victor and his friends were scammed by this AT&T store in Brooklyn, but AT&T has basically told him that they can’t help fix the problem, even though he’s now in another town. Update: Eugene Pikulin says this could have happened innocently when the phone was activated in-store.

Behold The Shocking Popularity Of Chipotle's Burrito-Ordering iPhone App
Yesterday, a magical new application appeared in the iPhone App Store. What did it do? Well, it allowed you to order burritos from Chipotle (for pick-up). From your iPhone.

AT&T Improves 3G Coverage At The Cost Of EDGE Service
AT&T is encouraging its customers to upgrade to the faster 3G network—by downgrading their older EDGE service.
A list of online tech help sites. [New York Times]

That Free IPhone Charger Must Be Made For Some Other IPhone
So, when you buy an iPhone from At+t, and they give you a free car charger, you’d expect it to work, right? So did Micah.
$99 Walmart iPhone Actually Normal-Priced
We are so late to telling you this but felt obligated anyway: The $99 Walmart iPhone rumor is just that. That’s too bad, it would’ve been really funny. [Engadget]

Mint Launches iPhone App
The popular personal-finance dashboard site launched a free iPhone app. Now you can enjoy the ease and power of Mint anywhere your $99$197 Walmart phone goes. Screenshots inside…

Walmart iPhone Poster Spotted In The Wild
Consumerist Flickr pool member shakerdesigns spotted this poster for the iPhone at his local Walmart. A recent leaked memo said that Walmart would begin selling the iPhone on Dec. 28th.
Walmart will sell iPhones by the end of December, says Bloomberg. According to an unnamed Walmart employee, the phone will cost the same as it does at AT&T stores, though there is also some speculation that a forthcoming 4GB model might retail for as low as $99. Try not to freak out. [Bloomberg]
According to the Boy Genius Report, Walmart will be offering the iPhone starting December 28th… which means that the new “most fun thing to say to people with iPhones” is now officially, “Hey, did you get that at Walmart?” [Boy Genius Report]